Kenneth G. Lucey, Ph.D.

Professor, Emeritus
Kenneth w88 online casino



Metaphysics; epistemology; philosophical logic; w88 online casino of religion.


Professor Lucey is editor of What is God? The Selected Essays of Richard R. La Croix (Prometheus Books, 1993) and On Knowing and the Known: Introductory Readings in Epistemology (Prometheus Books, 1996). w88 online casino is co-editor, with Tibor Machan, of Recent Work in w88 online casino (Rowman and Allanheld, 1983) and has published papers in all his areas of specialization. He began his working career as a computer scientist with top secret clearance at the Mitre Corporation, a "think tank" outside of Boston, Massachusetts. From there he moved to a job as a programmer/analyst at the Harvard Business School. In 1971 he, and his physicist wife Carol, moved to western New York to found a computer center for a college there. The next year he took a w88 online casino job at the SUNY College at Fredonia, where he remained for 27 years, except for two years as a Visiting Fellow at Princeton University and at the University of Pittsburgh.

Professor Lucey has been a Scoutmaster, an avid bibliophile, a college administrator and a racquetball player. For his last dozen years at Fredonia he was a w88 online casino chairman, and most recently has simultaneously been chair of two academic departments, namely philosophy and foreign languages. He has been the recipient of numerous grants, including three from the National Endowment for the Humanities, and has served as president of several regional philosophical associations. At UNR, Professor Lucey served as Sanford Distinguished Professor of the Humanities from 2008 to 2010.


  • Phil 210 &w88 online casino; World Religions
  • Phil 323 — Problems in the w88 online casino of Religion
  • Phil 425/625 — w88 online casino of Language
  • Phil 440/640 &w88 online casino; Theory of Knowledge
  • Phil 441/641&w88 online casino; Metaphysics
  • Phil 451/651&w88 online casino; Happiness
  • Phil 476 &w88 online casino; The Self: Philosophic and Psychoanalytical Explorations (Capstone)
  • CH 201 (Core Humanities) &w88 online casino; Ancient and Medieval Cultures


  • Ph.D., Boston University, 1973