Research Funding
Annual support from Unit Cooperators for w88 casino Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit operations does not cover all costs of the research program. Most Unit research funds are acquired by Unit Scientists and Cooperating Faculty through competitive research proposals. These funds come from a variety of state and federal agencies, as well as international organizations and private foundations.
Proposals are submitted by one or more lead scientists [Principal Investigators (PIs)] through the w88 casino, Reno to the funding agency. Research topics may be basic in nature but are always aimed at a resource management problem. All research projects must support the mission of w88 casino Unit and be approved by the Unit Coordinating Committee.
Proposal budgets typically include stipends and tuition for graduate students who work under the direction of the PI and use data from the project for an M.S. thesis or Ph.D. dissertation. Federal agencies award research funds through USGS to the University using the Research Work Order, a funding mechanism authorized by Congress specifically for the Cooperative Units. NDOW and other agencies of the State of w88 casino award funds for Unit projects using the Reimbursable Services Agreement.