kelley stewart

Kelley Stewart

Professor, Wildlife Ecology


I am interested in population ecology of large mammals, and effects of density dependence on population growth, movement patterns, habitat selection, and both inter- and intraspecific competition.  I am also interested in community-level effects of population dynamics of large mammals, such as changes in plant growth, community structure, and trophic cascades.


BS (1993) University of California Davis
MS (1997) Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute Texas A&M University - Kingsville
PhD (2004) Dept of Biology & Wildlife, & Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska Fairbanks


Publications are listed below.

Book Chapter(s)

Competition with Other Ungulates


Ecology and Management of Black-Tailed and Mule Deer in North America w88 casino games(Chapter 8) Ed By James R. Heffelfinger, Paul R. Krausman, Wiley, ISBN 9781032407609

Bowyer, R. T., Stewart, K., Cain, J. W. & McMillian, B.

Digestive Physiology and Nutrition


Ecology and Management of Black-Tailed and Mule Deer in North America (Chapter 4) Ed By James R. Heffelfinger, Paul R. Krausman, Wiley, ISBN 9781032407609

Monteith, K. et al.

Intermountain West Ecoregion


Ecology and Management of Black-Tailed and Mule Deer in North America (Chapter 11), Ed By James R. Heffelfinger, Paul R. Krausman, Wiley, ISBN 9781032407609

Stewart, K. et al.

Graduate School: A Professor Perspective.


In Scott E. Henke and Paul R. Krausman (Ed.), Becoming a Wildlife Professional. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Hernandez, F., Silvy, N. J., Stewart, K.

Wildlife Ecology


In A.H. El-Shaarawi, and W.W. Piegorsch (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Environmetrics (vol. 2nd edition, pp. 2963-2968). New York, New York: John Wiley and Sons, LTd.

Bowyer, R. T., Stewart, K., Long, R., Monteith, K. L.


Individual variation in use of nutritional landscape predicts early-winter condition of a long-lived ungulate.


Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (INVITED)

Merems, J.L., Shipley, L.A., Levi, T., Ruprecht, J., Clark, D.a., Wisdom, M.J., Jackson, N.J., Stewart, K.M., Long, R.A.

Resource selection by female mule deer: tradeoffs associated with reproduction


Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Invited)

Heffelfinger, L.J., Stewart, K.M., Shoemaker, K.T., Darby, N.W., Bleich, V.C.

Experimental harvest regulations reveal that climate, not harvest, drives population change in Nevada wood ducks.


Ecology and Evolution

Sedinger, B.S., Riecke, T., Nicolai, C.,

Mule deer juniper use is an unreliable indicator of habitat quality: comments on Coe et al. 2018.


Journal of Wildlife Management

Maestas, J.D., Hagen, C.A., Smith, J.T., Tack, J.D., Allred, B.W., Griffiths, T., Bishop, C.J., Stewart, K.M., Naugle, D.E.

Woodland expansion in a shrub-steppe ecosystem: effects on resource availability and behavior of a native ungulate



Morano, S.M., Stewart, K.M., Dilts, T., Ellsworth, A., V.C.Bleich

A primer in ecoimmunology & immunology for wildlife research and management.


California Fish and Game 100 (3):371-395

Downs, CJ and KM Stewart.

Investment in Constitutive Immune Function by North American elk experimentally maintained at two different population densities.


Plos One, 10(5), 17.

Downs, C. J., Stewart, K., Dick, B. L.

Spatial distribution and resource selection by mule deer in an arid environment: responses to provision of water.


Journal of Arid Environments, 122, 76-84.

McKee, C., Stewart, K., Sedinger, J. S., Bush, A., Darby, N., Hughson, D., Bleich, V.

A primer in ecoimmunology and immunology for wildlife research and management.


California Fish and Game, 100(3), 369-393.

Downs, C. J., Stewart, K.

Density Dependence in Ungulates: a Review of Causes, and Concepts with Some Clarification.


California Fish and Game, 100(3), 550-572.

Bowyer, R. T., Bleich, V. C., Stewart, K., Whiting, J. C., Monteith, K. L.

Identification of source-sink dynamics in mountain lions of the Great Basin.


Molecular Ecology/Blackwell, 21(23), 5689–5701.

Andreasen, A. M., Stewart, K., Longland, W. S., Beckman, J. P., Forister, M. L.

Life-history strategies of North American elk: trade-offs associated with reproduction and survival.


Journal of Mammalogy, 93(6), 11.

Morano, S., Stewart, K., Sedinger, J. S., Nicolai, C., Vavra, M.

Assessing Sexual Segregation In Deer


Journal Of Wildlife Management 66(2):536-544

R. Terry Bowyer, Kelley M. Stewart, Scott A. Wolfe, Gail M. Blundell, Karin L Lehmkuhl, Philip J. Joy, Thomas J. Mcdonough, John G. Kie


Use of Artificial Water Sources by Mule Deer in Mojave National Preserve


In Debra Hughson, Science Advisor, NPS (Ed.), (vol. May 2013, pp. 4). Barstow, CA: Mojave National Preserve Science Newsletter.

Stewart, K.

Special Publications

Technical Publication

The Nature of Diversity: diversity builds resiliency – in the wild and in the workplace – but it isn’t easy.


The Wildlife Professional.

Wakeling, B. F., VanDellen, A., Shoemaker, K. T., Gritts, M., Tull, J. C., Stewart, K.

Effectiveness of wildlife crossing structures for mule deer and other wildlife in Nevada


(vol. 101-10-803, pp. 29). Carson City, Nevada: Nevada Department of Transportation.

Stewart, K., Simpson, N. O., Tian, Z., Attah, I., Cox, M., Wasley, T.