Dryland Watersheds in Flux: How Nitrogen Deposition and Changing Precipitation Regimes Shape Nitrogen Export
Earth's Future, Volume12, Issue 4, e2023EF004120
Jianning, R., Hanan, E., D'Odorico, P., Tague, C., Schimel, J., and Homyak, P.
Our findings suggest that under future climate change, prolonged droughts that are followed by more intense storms may increase hydrologic nitrogen export and pose a major threat to water quality in...
Lethal combination for seedlings: extreme heat drives mortality of drought-exposed high-elevation pine seedlings
Annals of Botany, 2024;, mcae064
Lacey E Hankin, Felipe H Barrios-Masias, Alexandra K Urza, Sarah M Bisbing
Abundance of microbial community genes encoding terminal proteins of the aerobic and denitrification respiratory chains as indicators of ecohydrologic gradients in a coastal temperate rainforest.
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Kreitinger, E., D'Amore, D., Bisbing, S., Nadeau, S., Shapleigh, J., & Walter, M.
Persistent, viable seedbank buffers serotinous bishop pine over a broad fire return interval.
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Bisbing, S. M., Urza, A. K., York, R. A., Hankin, L. E., & Putz, T. R.
Rapid fuel recovery after stand-replacing fire in closed-cone pine forests and implications for short-interval severe reburns.
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Agne, M. C., Fontaine, J. B., Enright, N. J., Bisbing, S. M., & Harvey, B. J.
Reforestation of high elevation pines: Direct seeding success depends on seed source and sowing environment
Ecological Applications, 33(6), e2897
Hankin, L. E., Leger, E. A., & Bisbing, S. M.
The century-long shadow of fire exclusion: Historical data reveal early and lasting effects of fire regime change on contemporary w88 online game composition.
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Brodie, E. G., Knapp, E. E., Latimer, A. M., Safford, H. D., Vossmer, M., & Bisbing, S. M.
Demographic processes underpinning post-fire resilience in California closed-cone pine forests: the importance of fire interval, stand structure, and climate
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M.C. Agne, J.B. Fontaine, N.J. Enright, S.M. Bisbing, B.J. Harvey
Single-tree salvage logging as a response to Alaska yellow-cedar climate-induced mortality maintains ecological integrity with limited economic returns.
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Bisbing, S.M., B.J. Buma, B. Vander Naald, and A.L. Bidlack
Climate-Mediated Changes to Linked Terrestrial and Marine Ecosystems across the Northeast Pacific Coastal Temperate Rainforest Margin. BioScience, 71(6), 581.
BioScience, Volume 71, Issue 6, June 2021, Pages 581–595
Bidlack, A. L., Bisbing, S. M., Buma, B. J., Diefenderfer, H. L., Fellman, J. B., Floyd, W. C., … Perakis, S. S.
Let it snow? Spring snowpack and microsite characterize the regeneration niche of high-elevation pines.
Journal of Biogeography
Hankin, L. E., & Bisbing, S. M.
Seasonal water availability drives trait variation in isolated Basin and Range Pinus ponderosa.
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Putz, T., Urza, A., Hankin, L., & Bisbing, S.
Testing an invasion mechanism for Eucalyptus globulus: is there evidence of allelopathy?
American Journal of Botany
Nelson, K., S. Bisbing, D. Grossenbacher, M. Ritter, and J. Yost
Can long-lived species keep pace with climate change? Evidence of local persistence potential in a widespread conifer.
Diversity and Distributions, vol 27, iss2
Sarah M. Bisbing; Alexandra K. Urza; Brian J. Buma; David J. Cooper; Marjorie Matocq; Amy L. Angert
100 years of primary succession highlights stochasticity and competition driving community establishment and stability.
Buma, B., Bisbing, S., Wiles, G., Bidlack, A.
From canopy to seed: loss of snow drives directional changes in w88 online game composition.
Ecology & Evolution
Bisbing, S., Buma, B., Oakes, L., Krapek, J., Bidlack, A.
Nitrogen dynamics vary across hydrologic gradients and by w88 online game community composition in the perhumid coastal temperate rainforest of southeast Alaska
Canadian Journal of w88 online game Research 48(2): 180-191.
Bisbing, S.M. and D.V. D'Amore
A foundation of ecology re-discovered: 100 years of succession on 100 William S. Cooper plots in Glacier Bay, Alaska.
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Buma, B, S. Bisbing, J. Krapek, and G. Wright
Alternative interpretation and scale-based context for No evidence of recent (1995-2013) decrease in yellow-cedar in Alaska (Barrett and Pattison 2016).
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Bidlack, A. S. Bisbing, B. Buma, D. D’Amore, P. Hennon, J. Krapek, R. Mulvey, and L. Oakes.
Effect of the Gabcikovo waterworks (Slovakia) on riparian floodplain w88 online game ecosystems the Danube inland delta: vegetation dynamics and trends.
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Matecny, I., J. Medvecka, E. Uhercikova, P. Pisut, S. Kubalova, M. Valachovic, I. Hodalova, P. Mered’a Jr., S.M. Bisbing, and M. Petrasova.
Complex interactions among agents affect shore pine health in southeast Alaska.
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Mulvey, R. and S. Bisbing.
Determinants of conifer species distributions across peatland to w88 online game gradients in the coastal temperate rainforest of southeast Alaska.
Ecohydrology. doi: 10.1002/eco.1640
Bisbing, S.M., D.J. Cooper, D.V. D’Amore, and K.M. Marshall.
Karyological, morphological, and ecological differentiation of Sesleria caerula and Sesleria tatrae (Poaceae) in the Western Carpathians and adjacent regions
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Budzakova, M., I. Hodalova, P. Mered’a Jr., L. Somlyay, S.M. Bisbing, and J. Sibik
Identifying genetic signatures of selection in a non-model species: a case study of the alpine gentian (Gentiana nivalis L.)
Conservation Genetics 14 (2): 476-481
Bothwell, H., S. Bisbing, L. Crawford, N. Therkildsen, N. Alvarez, R. Holderegger, and S. Manel.
Carbon storage of old-growth and second growth fire-dependent western larch (Larix occidentalis Nutt.) forests of the Inland Northwest, USA.
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Bisbing, S.M., P.B. Alaback, and T.H. DeLuca