Ned Schoolman

Edward "Ned" Schoolman, Ph.D.

Department Vice Chair; Professor


I am a historian of the late antique and w88 slot online world with a focus on Italy and the Mediterranean from the sixth century to the 11th century. While my current research is based on textual sources (charters and narratives), and their intersection with paleoenvironmental and climate records, my background was in archaeological and I still gravitate towards objects, places and their contexts. My teaching covers a range of course, covering the periods from beginning of the Roman Mediterranean to the High Middle Ages, and I am currently developing new offerings in premodern environmental history.

My current research extends in two main directions. The first is a monograph-length project on Greek identity, language, and its use and expression in w88 slot online Italy, focusing on the cities of Ravenna, Rome, and Naples. The second is focused on the intersections of land management, climate, and environment made visible through w88 slot online historical records and paleoecological data (in collaboration withScott Mensingand Adam Csank in University of Nevada, Reno’s Geography Department, Gianluca Piovesanat the University of Tuscia, and Annamaria Pazienza, a Marie-Curie Global Fellow here at the University of Nevada, Reno (2021-2023) and at Ca’ Foscari in Venice. Research on these projects has been supported by fellowships at the University of Padova, the University of Tübingen’s Migration and Mobility in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages research group, and the Israel Institute of Advanced Studies, and a grant from the National Science Foundation.

My first book,Rediscovering Sainthood in Italy: Hagiography and the Late Antique Past, which appeared in Palgrave’s New Middle Ages series in 2016, examined the political and social conditions in which old saints were restored and new saints were created. In particular, I focus on the case of &w88 slot online;Barbatianus” – a saint said to have been the confessor to the fifth-century empress Galla Placidia – whose cult is restored and reinvented in Ravenna in the 10th century during a period of rapid transformations. In addition to this work, I haveco-edited the proceedings of a conference with Marianne Sághy,Pagans and Christians in the Late Roman Empire: New Evidence, New Approaches (4th-8th centuries), published in 2017 with Central European University Press in the Medievalia series.


  • Middle Ages
  • Environmental w88 slot online
  • Language and Identity
  • Religion

Courses taught

  • CH 201: Ancient and w88 slot online Cultures
  • HIST 105: European Civilization to 1648
  • HIST 120: Intro to Environmental w88 slot online: Climate, Crisis, Contagion
  • HIST 208: Introduction to World w88 slot online
  • HIST 289: Introduction to the w88 slot online of the Middle East
  • HIST 372: Ancient Civilizations II: Roman w88 slot online
  • HIST 373: w88 slot online Civilizations
  • HIST 374: w88 slot online of the Byzantine Empire
  • HIST 454/654: Topics in w88 slot online History (three different courses: "Conflict and Contact in the w88 slot online Mediterranean," "Ravenna between East and West, North and South 400-1200," "Monks and Monasticism")
  • HIST 456/656: Topics in Ancient w88 slot online ("Elites in the Late Roman Empire/Late Antiquity")
  • HIST 491B: Women in w88 slot online Civilization
  • HIST 498/698: Advanced Historical Studies (1-credit seminars: "Slavery in the Roman World," "Holy Wars: w88 slot online Perspectives on the Crusades")
  • HIST 710: Seminar in w88 slot online History ("w88 slot online Historiography")
  • HIST 783: Historiography

Selected publications


Selected articles and book chapters


  • Ph.D., w88 slot online, University of California, Los Angeles, 2010
  • M.A., w88 slot online, University of California, Los Angeles, 2006
  • M.A., Archaeology, University College London, 2003
  • B.A., w88 slot online, University of Chicago, 2001