I work in homological algebra and w88 live casino.
My research focuses on applications of w88 live casino-theoretic methods to problems in abstract algebra, algebraic geometry, and certain areas of mathematical physics.
Selected Publications
- "Kontsevich's graph complex, GRT, and the deformation complex of the sheaf of polyvector fields"
(with V. Dolgushev and T. Willwacher)
Annals of Mathematicsvol. 182 (2015) 855-943. - "w88 live casino moment maps"
(with M. Callies, Y. Frégier, and M. Zambon)
Advances in Mathematicsvol. 303 (2016) 954-1043. - "An explicit model for the w88 live casino of finite type Lie n-algebras"
Algebraic and Geometric Topologyvol. 20 (2020) 1371-1429. - "On the w88 live casino for Lie ∞-groupoids, with an application to integrating L∞-algebras"
(with C. Zhu)
Algebraic and Geometric Topologyvol. 20 (2020) 1127-1219. - "The cohomology of the full directed graph complex"
(with V. Dolgushev)
Algebras and Representation Theoryvol. 23 (2020) 917-961. - "Which w88 live casino algebras come from transfer?"
(with M. Markl)
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society(2021) To appear in print, DOI: 10.1090/proc/15710.