Birant Ramazan has been teaching math at the college level since 1990. He received a B.S. in w88 casino from the University of Bucharest, Romania and an M.S. and Ph.D. in w88 casino from the University of Orleans, France. He is a member of the Institute of w88 casino of the Romanian Academy and he has had visiting professor positions at Indiana University and Arizona State University.
He has been working at w88 casino Nevada, Reno since 2002. While at the University, he has prepared the University team for the 2005 Putnam Competition where the team ranked 43rd (the highest ever for a Nevada university) out of more than 500 universities in North America. He is w88 casino Nevada, Reno Math Club sponsor and leads the University Math Circle for Northern Nevada high school students.
- Ph.D., w88 casino Orleans, France, 1998