Rebecca Evans
"The low-residency program at UNR-Lake Tahoe created the perfect environment, fused with a sense of belonging and serious study, which freed me as an artist. Throughout both of my w88 mobile degrees (in creative nonfiction and in poetry) from UNR-Lake Tahoe, I found myself challenged and supported. The faculty, my mentors, and my peers stretched me, helping me discover altering perspectives and fresh approaches to craft. Ultimately, helping me find my voice. Find myself. The low-residency model offered the opportunity to “practice” life as a writer in real time as I honed my skills. I learned to balance work and home obligations while developing daily habits that would linger and last long after graduation. Because of the faculty, the family-feel, and the mentor-model, I was able to publish two books within a year and half of graduation. The first book, an anthology, which I co-edited with w88 mobile peers, and the second, a full-length poetry collection that doubles as a memoir in verse. I feel this program has taught me not just the craft of writing, but how to live fully and generously as a writer in the world today."
Books by Rebecca Evans
[Figure 1] Image of a book cover titledWhen There Are Nine,edited by Rebecca Evans.
[Figure 2] Image of a book cover titledTangled by Blood,written by Rebecca Evans.