w88 opportunities for success

w88 Liberal Arts pairs the rigorous academic foundation of liberal arts majors with opportunities for personal and professional growth to ensure students graduate with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to succeed in the modern world.
Employers repeatedly report on how much they value the skills and knowledge developed through liberal w88 degrees, such as creative thinking, problem solving, critical analysis and communication. Liberal w88 degrees can also be excellent preparation for graduate school and for professional degrees such as those in law, business, healthcare and medicine. Experts who study workplace trends argue that skills learned from earning a liberal w88 degree will be increasingly valued in the future as automation, artificial intelligence and other technologies eliminate jobs that are currently available and generate new jobs that we cannot even imagine today.
Ivy loves learning about other cultural traditions and languages and global travel. Her work in history, Spanish language and art history led her to apply for an undergraduate w88 grant trip for a summer-long examination of Mexico’s modern muralist movement. This experience led to an exhibit regarding female muralists around the world with the Shared History Program (Department of History). As a graduate w88 assistant working for the program, she has worked on five virtual and physical exhibits. Currently, she’s researching Latino history in local archives for two Shared History collaborative projects, one with the Latino w88 Center and the other with the Nevada Historical Society. Ivy hopes to work for the Smithsonian following graduation.
Our w88 liberal arts initiative provides students with more focused directions for their employment future. Take a look at the variety of pathways we’ve developed, which are organized below by department. Some pathways are interdisciplinary and will thus show up in more than one department or even with an area outside our College.
Also, check out the pathway to medicine and find out suggested w88 to take to earn a bachelor's degree that may prepare you for medical school in the future.
Archaeologists study past human behavior through the analysis of material culture. w88 pursuing this track will be well positioned to work in the cultural and heritage resource management industry and employment by public agencies like the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service, as well as private environmental and cultural resource consulting firms.
Bioarchaeologists study human skeletal remains in archaeological contexts. w88 in this track are desirable for positions in cultural resource management and museum positions that need to be in compliance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) and are pursuing repatriation efforts, or need general assistance curating human remains.
Sociocultural anthropologists study the diversity of people and human behavior in modern contexts. w88 in this track will be prepared to meet the expanding need of professionally trained anthropologists. Most sociocultural anthropologists are employed outside of the academy, in the U.S. and abroad, working with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), state and national parks, interdisciplinary consulting teams, the technology industry, marketing firms, the UN and other organizations.
Forensic anthropologists study human remains in a medico-legal context. While more training would be required to be a practicing forensic anthropologist, this set of classes will expose w88 to the medico-legal system and death investigation in general and will prepare them for positions related to forensic sciences.
Anthropologists in public health and medicine use their skills to evaluate how communities live and subsequently find ways to improve the overall health of a community. The ultimate goal is to inform public health policy. These courses are designed to provide w88 with a unique position to understand the macro-level underlying causes of poor health in a population.
ANTH 309 Museum w88
ANTH 453 Museum Training for Anthropologists
The graphic design BFA is a professional degree that emphasizes hands-on design approaches, while critical analysis, theory, research and application will be explored. w88 will become well-versed in graphic design competencies that will prepare w88 for career placement.
The graphic design BFA program will offer a variety of field-related coursework that focuses on traditional, experimental and prospective projects and skillsets that can be w88 to current and future industry thinking, making and implementation. Students will work toward building a portfolio of projects that will enable them to join the workforce of professional graphic designers.
ART 491 Studio w88
GRC 490 Graphic Design/Media w88
This public advocacy and civic engagement pathway focuses on how we influence and persuade public audiences through speaking, argument and mediated communication. w88 learn about advocacy campaigns in business, political, community, or social movement contexts.
Relational and family communication courses allow students the opportunities to consider relationships and families in communication contexts. In addition to learning key interpersonal and family communication theories, students learn w88 skills for their personal and professional lives.
These courses will provides w88 with skills related to intercultural, cross-cultural, multicultural and intracultural communication practices. w88 learn about diversity, difference and inclusivity as it applies to multiple contexts.
w88 who engage in community organizing classes learn organization and coordination skills related to bringing communities together to promote their best interests. Skills include organizational communication, interpersonal interaction across cultures, public speaking, internet savvy and engaging political discourses.
The business and professional communication track prepares w88 with practical skills for the modern workplace including understanding organizational communication structures, interpersonal skills, computer-mediated interaction, intercultural communication and working in teams and groups, among others.
Health communication courses allow w88 insights about communication practices relevant to the health professions. This includes courses in interpersonal interaction, health systems, intercultural communication, organizational structures and important to the modern health workplace, online communication.
Communication technology courses provides w88 with skills related to online interaction including social media use and management, online interpersonal skills, technical writing proficiencies and computer-mediated communication literacies.
A degree in Communication Studies lends itself to many extraordinary career opportunities. The interpersonal, written, public and organizational communication skills learned as part of the major, along with the technical savvy and intercultural awareness that are a key part of communication studies, prepare w88 for multiple career options.
COM 499 w88
CRJ 491 (internship in criminal justice is an elective course that provides students a very strong w88 learning experience which enhances employment opportunities in three major ways. First, the internship allows a student to take what was learned in the classroom and apply it to real world tasks and problems. Second, students will develop new skills and knowledge from working in the field. For example, a student who does an internship with a probation agency will learn and practice motivational interviewing. Third, a student will develop contacts at the internship agency who can provide career guidance and become a professional reference for the student. Having a variety of different types of professional references can aid a student in their employment search. A reference from an internship agency can also aid a student in finding a job after graduation.
The Master of w88 in English with a public engagement emphasis is designed to serve students whose career goals include teaching, working for nonprofits and/or continuing to Ph.D. programs in literature or rhetoric that emphasize community activism.
The PackTeach program is a dual degree program that prepares students to become state licensed secondary education teachers for grades 7-12. This four-year program offers students the opportunity to gain a strong liberal arts education, excellent preparation in their content area discipline, as well as the foundational and w88 knowledge for instruction.
English 498A, 498C, 498D, 499B and 499C are writing in the communities w88. In addition, the English department also offers the following professional writing and document w88:
ENG 498A w88 in English
The Department of Gender, Race, and Identity (GRI) pursues the interdisciplinary and intersectional study of gender, race, and related constructions of identity, injustice, and difference that comprise our social world. Courses in GRI encompass topics of gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity, Indigeneity, class, nationality, citizenship, disability, religious identity and more. Students in GRI have gone on to careers in fields including education, law, government, community non-profits, social and health services, the w88 and business.
Our undergraduate major provides interdisciplinary and intersectional training in gender, race and related constructions of identity, injustice and difference in global and local contexts. Within the B.A. program, students may fulfill the general major in GRI or complete either of two specializations, Ethnic Studies and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. All of these are four-year programs that provide a strong liberal w88 education and that include training in ways to apply scholarship within contexts including education, law, government, community non-profits, social and health services, the w88 and business.
We provide undergraduate minors in Black Studies, Ethnic Studies, Holocaust, Genocide, and Peace Studies, Indigenous Studies, Latinx Studies, Religious Studies, Social Justice, and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. A minor in LGBTQ Studies is forthcoming. These minors prepare college graduates for w88 work contexts including government agencies, non-profit organizations, academic research, education, the arts and business.
w88 can apply through the Office of Undergraduate Research to do community-based research for pay under the supervision of a GRI faculty member.
GRI w88 can gain job experience by completing approved internships for elective credit that count towards their major or their minor.GRI 498 is an approved internship course.
w88 in the BA. in GRI, including either of the B.A. specializations (Ethnic Studies or Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies), can complete a six-credit senior research thesis under faculty supervision.
At the graduate level, GRI offers both a Master’s of Arts and a Graduate Certificate in Gender, Race, and Identity. The M.A. program trains students in interdisciplinary theory, methods and research in gender studies, ethnic studies and related fields. Options for completing the M.A. include a research thesis that prepares students especially for research careers or Ph.D.-level study, or an w88 community studies project that prepares students especially for work in government, non-profits, or advocacy.
w88 choosing this emphasis in the GRI M.A. pursue internships with community partners as part of their coursework. In consultation with their committee chair, they complete the M.A. through a professional paper or project applying scholarly analysis and research to a community problem or concern.
The PackTeach program is a dual degree program that prepares students to become state licensed secondary education teachers for grades 7-12. This four-year program offers students the opportunity to gain a strong liberal arts education, excellent preparation in their content area discipline, as well as the foundational and w88 knowledge for instruction.
The Shared history program provides a venue for collaborative student engagement in a variety of w88 history projects that connect students to the larger community. A number of projects are underway at the undergraduate and graduate level including:
HIST 309 Museum w88
HIST 310 Museum Training
HIST 311 Introduction to Public History
HIST 399 Practicum
HIST 497 Independent Study
HIST 499B Project in w88 History
HP 480 w88 in Historical Preservation
The music performance degree offers multiple tracks including instrumental, vocal, conducting and jazz. The degree concentrates on developing technical skills for pursuing professional careers in music performance.
The music education degree also offers multiple tracks including instrumental, vocal and conducting, where w88 enhance personal skills as a musician and prepare for teaching others how to explore their own musical interests and talents.
The minor in music industry program allows w88 the opportunity to gain skills in the industry to help further their music careers.
MUS 485 w88 in Music Education
Research training (PHIL 275) is an undergraduate research course that allows w88 to develop research skills by assisting faculty members on research projects where practical assistance is needed. w88 are currently reviewing and summarizing judicial literature on reparations for a project of one faculty member.
Community engagement projects (PHIL 457) is our upper-level political philosophy course in which w88 are required to complete a project or structured experience of practical significance. Currently, w88 have a major assignment in which they conduct community interviews with politically involved people — elected officials, activists, advocates. (One student secured an interview with former Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval).
The Bachelor of w88 with majors in secondary education and political science provides students with a broad background in political science and allow students to take all the necessary courses to meet state licensure to teach social studies, together with secondary teaching certification. Students who successfully complete the program are prepared to pursue secondary school teaching, graduate school, or an immediate career in a professional field.
The political science department partners with several local agencies to provide internships for w88 in public service, Congress, international affairs and the Nevada legislature.
PSC 490F w88: Public Service
PSC 490G w88: Congressional
PSC 490H w88: Nevada Legislature
IAFF 350 International Affairs w88
The public administration and public policy minor program provides w88 an analytical and practical education in public service administration and policy, and the opportunity to intern with a public agency or public service organization.
The political communication and advocacy minor helps w88 become more effective political communicators and advocates, developing skills and knowledge that can translate into work in campaigning, policy-making and marketing, and lobbying.
The IAFF300 Model United Nations course offers practical training and experience in international diplomacy and coalition-building. It uses case studies and prepares w88 to simulate being a country delegation to the U.N. w88 have the option to participate in a model United Nations regional conference (held in San Francisco annually).
The Supreme Court and public policy, PSC403H course provides w88 the opportunity to grapple with U.S. Supreme Court decisions, developing arguments supporting one or the other of the sides in a case before the court and/or preparing an independent analysis.
The courses in public administration are designed to increase the student's understanding of the internal organizational environment and to help the student develop needed managerial skills. Courses in public policy give the student an understanding of the social, political and economic environment in which public programs develop and operate. Courses in w88 methods provide the skills necessary in today's complex government agencies and activities.
The 12-credit certificate in social research methods and w88 statistics requires four courses: one introductory social research methods and one introductory statistics course, one advanced social research methods and one advanced w88 statistics program. The certificate prepares students for a variety of jobs that require w88 social research skills.
w88 can apply through the Office of Undergraduate Research to do community-based research for pay under the supervision of a sociology faculty member.
Sociology w88 can gain job experience by completing approved internships for elective credit that count towards their major or their minor.
ACE 400 w88 in Sociology
The Bachelor of w88 with majors in secondary education and sociology provides students with a broad background in sociology and allows students to take all the necessary courses to meet state licensure to teach social studies, together with secondary teaching certification. Students who successfully complete the program are prepared to pursue secondary school teaching, graduate school, or an immediate career in a professional field.
The M.A. program in sociology trains students in advanced social research methods and w88 statistics, culminating in a research thesis that prepares students for advanced careers in social research methods or for Ph.D.-level study of sociology.
w88 can earn academic credit working with sociology faculty on faculty research projects that counts toward elective credit for their major or minor. w88 can also complete a six-credit senior research thesis under faculty supervision.
The minor in social research methods and w88 statistics prepares college graduates for entry-level w88 and basic social research positions in a variety of settings including government agencies, non-profit organizations, academic research centers and social media companies.
Both the majors and minors in theatre and dance provide w88 the opportunity to apply their craft through production. Shows are the laboratories in which w88 come together collaboratively to produce live events and put into practice all the skills and techniques leaned in acting, directing, musical theatre, dance, choreography, design and management and technology course work. Courses which require application to production include:
THTR 478 w88
DAN 485 w88 in Dance
Spanish through the professions is a track within the Spanish bachelor’s degree that teaches w88 the necessary skills to communicate in Spanish in a professional business setting, such as healthcare, courtrooms, or service agencies.
Students who complete this PackTeach Program will earn two degrees: the Bachelor of w88 in Education/Secondary Education and the Bachelor of w88 in Spanish. This program provides students with a foundational background in Spanish linguistics, literature and culture, and includes all coursework required to apply for a license to teach Spanish in Nevada. Students who successfully complete the program are prepared to pursue secondary school teaching, graduate school, or an immediate career using Spanish.
Students who complete this PackTeach Program will earn two degrees: the Bachelor of w88 in Education/Secondary Education and the Bachelor of w88 in French. This program provides students with a foundational background in French linguistics, literature and culture, and includes all coursework required to apply for a license to teach French in Nevada. Students who successfully complete the program are prepared to pursue secondary school teaching, graduate school, or an immediate career using French.
A Spanish media w88 track as well as a Journalism (bilingual media) and Spanish (media w88) dual major B.A. are two programs that teach Spanish in a media and journalism setting.
There are thousands of career options our liberal arts students can choose to go into after graduation. Here’s a sample of some of the types of professions an w88 liberal arts student could pursue.
The College of Liberal w88 understands the importance of applying skills learned in the field. That’s why we have a dedicated Student Engagement and Experiential Learning Coordinator who helps students obtain internships applicable to their liberal w88 degree. Students interested in putting their knowledge to use in a real-world setting can contact the internship coordinator to get help finding professional work experience. In addition, employers can contact the coordinator to learn more about hiring and training students.