David Horvitz with his head in his hands looking down.

David Horvitz

Visiting Artist


Eschewing categorization, w88 online casinoHorvitz’s expansive, nomadic body of work traverses the forms of photographs, artist books, performances, the Internet, mail art, sound, rubber stamps, gastronomy, and natural environments. His work examines questions of distance between places, people and time in order to test the possibilities of appropriating, undermining w88 live casinoor even erasing these distances. Using image, text and objects, his works circulate and operate independently of himself, penetrating ever more effectively the intimate sphere. When encountering his works in the postal system, libraries, or the airport lost-and-found services our attention to the infinitesimal, w88 live casinoinherent loopholes and alternative logics, and the imaginary comes to the fore. Like lullabies impressed upon our minds, Horvitz deploys art as both objects of contemplation and as viral or systemic tools to affect change on a personal scale. Horvitz makes fictions that insert themselves surreptitiously into the real.


w88 casino games loginHorvitz, David. Nostalgia. Edition Taube, 2022.

Horvitz, David, Change the Name of the Days. Jean Boîte Éditions & Yvon Lambert, 2021.

Steck, Ed. David Horvitz: Newly Found Bas Jan Ader Film. Afterall Books, 2021.


  • MFA, Bard