I completed my B.A. in Earth Science at Columbia University in 2018. After I graduated, I worked with Zach Perzan and the rest of the SLAC Groundwater Quality SFA group on modeling uranium fate and transport in Riverton, Wyo. I am also currently working with Zach on using machine learning to predict CO2 concentrations in the soil. I am now a second-year Ph.D. student in w88 slot Science at the University of Nevada, Reno working under Dr. Rishi Parashar. Our work consists of understanding the physics of microbial motility in porous media. The primary goal of my research is to incorporate these microbial physics into the eSTOMP and PFLOTRAN reactive transport simulators to gain a better understanding of what the impact of microbial dynamics is on uranium bioreduction at the field scale. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, climbing, video games, and playing with my dog.