Dr. w88 casino games's research is an applied climatologist with experience in analyzing both historical climate and projections of future climate and in applying that information to resource management and conservation questions. She has worked on questions ranging from bias propagation within coupled models to the production of downscaled snow projections for Alaska and has a strong interest in climate services and public outreach.
w88 casino games interests
- w88 casino games climatology
- Downscaling
- High-latitude w88 casino games
- Ph.D. in Geosciences, w88 casino games Arizona, 2009
- M.S. in Forest Soils, w88 casino games Washington, 2002
- A.B., Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, 1998
Selected publications
- Walston, JM, SA w88 casino games, DJ McEvoy (2023) Evaluating drought indices for Alaska. Earth Interactions. accepted March 2023.
- Walsh JE, S Bigalke SA w88 casino games, R Lader, MC Serreze, TJ Ballinger (2022) Precipitation. Arctic Report Card 2022, ML Druckenmiller, RL Thoman, TA Moon, Eds.
- Canon C, D Boyle, SA w88 casino games (2022) Visualizing the structure and development of w88 casino games communication research. Journal of w88 casino games Communication, 7, A03.
- Albano CM, DMD Dettinger, MI McCarthy, SA w88 casino games (2021) Techniques for constructing climate stress test scenarios. Climatic Change, 164, 1-25.
- Woodhouse, CA, RM Smith, SA w88 casino games, GT Pederson, GL McCabe, P Miller, A Csank (2021) Upper Colorado River Basin 20th century droughts under 21st century warming: Plausible scenarios for the w88 casino games. w88 casino games Services, 100206.
- Sadoti, G, SA w88 casino games, EF Nicklen, PJ Sousanes, CA Roland (2021) Evaluating multiple w88 casino games products in ecological models under current and forecasted temperatures. w88 casino games Applications, 31(2) e02240.
- Littell JS, w88 casino games SA, Bartz K, Reynolds J, Hayward G (2020) So goes the snow: snowpack changes and impacts in a warming climate. Alaska Park Science, 19(1), 62-74.
- Striplin RL, SA w88 casino games, H Safford, MJ Papa (2020) w88 casino games analysis of burn windows for fire and fuels management: An example from the Lake Tahoe Basin. w88 casino games Ecology, 16, 13.