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Thanks to Google and other search engines, clearly organized web pages with concise information are your program's best recruitment tool. Partner with your unit's web specialist to review your page architecture and ensure your content is refreshed annually. 

Faculty profile pages

Your profile page is the best place for prospective students to learn about the faculty with whom they share research interests. Update your research interests, publications and funding regularly.


If you would like to create your own webpage(s), you can request access and server space.  This allows you to build a University-branded website using accessible templates. You can use PackPages to highlight your research, your students, your laboratory and more.

Effective recruitment 

Lead forms

Lead forms are an easy-to-use addition to your program's degree page. This simple request for information form is a fast and efficient way for prospective students to express interest to program directors. Talk to your web specialist about your process for reaching out on time. See a degree page with an embedded lead form. 

On-campus events

Many units hold recruitment events on campus. It's a good idea to partner with the Graduate School and the Graduate Student Association to help promote your event. Be certain to add your events to the University's calendar at events.unr.edu. Anyone with a NetID can log in and submit an event for review.


The Graduate School has a campus-wide program called w88 casino games loginwhich partners with graduate programs to invite competitive prospective candidates for multi-day, on-campus recruitment events. This program has been shown to be effective in enhancing the quality and diversity of the applicant pool.

Learn more about Gradventure campus visits.

Print materials

Printed materials, such as informational one-sheets and rack cards are most effective when distributed off-campus – serving as a fast introduction and physical reminder for those who have not heard of your program before. 

Consider taking printed materials to your conferences and off-campus recruitment events. 

Accessibility requirements

As outlined in the University's accessibility policy, all digital materials created either for course content or for the internet must be made accessible in compliance with AA requirements as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act. It is highly recommended to complete two training courses: Basic Web Accessibility and PDF remediation.

Read the University's accessibility policy

Sign up for accessibility courses

Marketing and communications specialists by area

The University's Office w88 casino gamesof Marketing and Communications (MarCom) can assist you further with any of these projects, however, most academic units have their own individual on staff for marketing, web and accessibility. Please contact your unit's marketing specialist for additional information.

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