Jingjing Yang

Associate Professor of Economics
Jingjing Yang headshot


  • Associate Professor of Economics, University of Nevada, Reno, 2018-present
  • Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Nevada, Reno, 2012-2018

Teaching Experience

Courses taught

  • Intermediate Microeconomics, Introductory Econometrics, Graduate Econometrics II, Independent Study, Principles of Economics, Quantitative Methods, Senior Independent Study (International Economics), Monetary Theory, Junior Independent Study, Intermediate Macro, Economic Forecasting


Refereed Journal Articles

  • Yang, J. (2017). Consistency of Trend Break Point Estimator with Underspecified Break Number. Econometrics, 5(4).
  • Kim, M. S., Sun, Y., Yang, J. (2017). A Fixed-bandwidth View of the Pre-asymptotic Inference for Kernel Smoothing with Time Series Data. Journal of Econometrics, 197(2), 298-322.
  • Vogelsang, T., Yang, J. (2016). Exactly/Nearly Unbiased Estimation of Autocovariances of a Univariate Time Series with Unknown w88 casino games loginMean. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 37(6), 723-740.
  • Nichols, M. W., Tosun, M. S., Yang, J. (2015). The Fiscal Impact of Legalized Casino Gambling. Public Finance Review/ SAGE w88 casino gamesPublications, 43(6), 739-761.
  • Yang, J. (2012). Break Point Estimators for a Slope Shift: Levels versus First Differences. the Econometrics Journal, 15(1), 154-169.
  • Yang, J., Vogelsang, T. J. (2011). Fixed-b Analysis of LM-Type Tests for a Shift in Mean. the Econometrics Journal, 14(3), 438-456.


  • Ph.D., Economics, Michigan State University

Professional certifications

  • Excellence in Graduate Teaching, College of Business, UNR (2014)