Mission statement
Dean’s Future Scholars empowers low-income, first generation w88 mobile to graduate high school and achieve higher education by fostering long-term relationships and equipping w88 mobile with the knowledge, skills, and support in order for them to become responsible and productive citizens.
Vision statement
Dean’s Future Scholars will provide a variety of research-based interventions to increase high school graduation rates in Washoe County School District, increase diversity and persistence rates at the University of Nevada, Reno, Truckee Meadows Community College, and increase the number of w88 mobile entering the field of education. Dean’s Future Scholars will successfully collaborate with community stakeholders to increase student achievement at all levels and ultimately promote economic growth in the State of Nevada by helping recruit and educate a diverse workforce.
Core values
Dean’w88 mobile believes:
- Every student is unique and has the potential to succeed given proper support and guidance.
- Every student will receive a rigorous, meaningful w88 mobile and will graduate career and college ready.
- All w88 mobile can achieve equal access to higher education regardless of their cultural, socio-economic, or academic background.
- Collaboration with all stakeholders, such as parents/guardians, educators, and community members, is essential and fundamental in effectively providing the necessary support to all w88 mobile.
- Data w88 mobile drive program decisions.
- Fostering long-term relationships and providing early interventions starting in the sixth grade is critical in building a strong pipeline to w88 mobile.
- Hiring Dean's Future Scholars college w88 mobile to become program mentors is an effective and meaningful way for w88 mobile to give back to the community.