Program at a glance

How much does it cost?

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How can I learn more?

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How do I apply?

Open to all undergraduate students.Learn how to apply to the w88 casino games, Reno.

Why study art at the w88 casino games, Reno?

The Department of w88 casino games offers a diverse program of bachelor's degree instruction in both w88 casino games history and studio w88 casino games. The major options include painting, sculpture, ceramics, photography, printmaking and digital media.

The Department of w88 casino games offers a number of exciting opportunities for students to become actively involved and engaged in real-world experiences. The department boasts a world-renowned w88 casino games museum, a cutting-edge fabrication lab and a printing press that brings the history of book arts alive.

State-of-the-w88 casino games creative spaces

Fab LabThe Lilley Museumis a two-story w88 casino games museum that allows students the opportunity to help prepare exhibits and take care of collections. The Lilley offers regularly scheduled programming and events co-hosted with other campus departments and local organizations and exhibitions rotate frequently.

The Fabrication Labprovides hands-on production and learning by enabling innovation and interdisciplinary connectivity at the intersection of w88 casino games and technology. Equipment available for student use in the fabrication lab includes an industrial fabricator sewing machine, a laser engraver, a 3D printer and a Zundt D3 digital cutting machine.

The Black Rock Pressis well-equipped to advance the w88 casino games of the book while educating students and the broader community about book arts as both a historical and contemporary medium. The press publishes a range of literary, visual and experimental materials that address the evolving nature of the book. Students learn the history of graphic design and fine typography through letterpress printing from metal and wood type on historic presses from the 19th and 20th centuries along with the newest design tools.

Visit the w88 casino games Department website

Areas of emphasis in the w88 casino games program

You can afford the w88 casino games, Reno

76% of students receive financial aid

Almost everyone is eligible to receive some kind of aid. We offer need-based and merit-based forms of financial aid to help you afford college.

54% of all students graduate with no debt

That's right. More than half of our students leave the w88 casino games, Reno with no student debt.

Life's a journey. Honors makes it meaningful.

At the w88 casino games, Reno Honors College, our students maximize their unique gifts and passions through a series of personalized experiences that deepen their capacity for transformative societal impact.

Visit the Honors College
Four honors w88 casino games standing near Manzanita Lake; one is holding a soccer ball.