Flexibility in the classroom w88 online casino betting

September 2, 2020

This message was sent to graduate w88 online casino betting and faculty at the University of Nevada, Reno.

Dear w88 online casino betting and Teaching Assistants,

As we move into the second week of the fall semester, I want to reinforce the importance of flexibility, patience, understanding, and compassion in the classroom this semester. All faculty and graduate w88 online casino betting have access to a new and optional short nine-minute webinar, Flexibility in the Classroom within the Faculty Success Series course shell (or the Graduate w88 online casino betting Success Series, as appropriate). Besides messaging from me, this webinar includes short messages from eight of our ASUN w88 online casino betting leaders. I hope you will take the short nine minutes to watch this video.

It is University policy, based upon local, state, and national health guidelines, that all w88 online casino betting, faculty, and staff must stay home or go home if they feel ill. If they are experiencing COVID-19 like symptoms, they should be tested. It is important to remember that none of these are considered a “disability” and do not require that w88 online casino betting seek Disability Resource Center Accommodations.

Faculty are expected to work with students directly to academically accommodate their absence(s) by assigning them remote attendance (for which over 90% of courses have this modality option) and/or make up opportunities. If extended absences or illness make this academically infeasible please work with the w88 online casino betting, your department chair, and their advisor to support the w88 online casino betting as much as possible to minimize impacts on their degree progression.

For the health and well-being of those around you, w88 online casino betting should not report to class or faculty to work if they are experiencing any of the symptoms below that cannot be attributed to an unrelated health condition.

  • Fever of 100.4
  • Chills
  • Cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing (excluding symptoms from a previous condition)
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose,
  • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
  • Have you been in close proximity to, or had physical contact in the past 14 days, with an individual who has tested positive or is suspected to be positive for w88 online casino betting19?
  • Have you been told to quarantine or self-isolate by a physician or government agent due to w88 online casino betting19?

The w88 online casino betting Health Center hasa daily w88 online casino betting19 testing clinic accessible by making an appointment. The clinic provides testing for active COVID-19 infections and is available at no charge to University of Nevada, Reno w88 online casino betting, faculty and staff who are exhibiting symptoms of w88 online casino betting19 or who have been identified as a contact of an individual diagnosed with COVID-19. It is reasonable for you to request documentation of testing or other doctor notes from a w88 online casino betting. However, a negative result does not mean that you do not need to academically accommodate a w88 online casino betting, or that only partial credit should be given for an assignment. For the health and safety of everyone on campus, we should do all that we can to support responsible students who “Stay Home for Nevada.” If you have concerns that a w88 online casino betting is trying to take advantage of the circumstances, please work first with your department chair who may reach out to your Dean or the Provost’s Office for further assistance. We will assist in coordinating with w88 online casino betting Services.

And finally, just a reminder that class times have been reduced by five minutes to minimize w88 online casino betting contact between classes and allow for sanitizing protocols. By using the w88 casino games login Testing or other testing options, you can recover these additional minutes.


Jill S. Heaton
Vice Provost, w88 online casino betting Affairs
Professor, Geography