TLT Fall 2020 w88 mobile

Fall 2020 course w88 mobile Q&A sessions

As the campus prepares for alternative delivery in the fall, w88 mobile have many questions related to teaching effectively as possible during these uncertain times. TLT’s Instructional Design Team invites all w88 mobile to attend our webinar series, “Fall 2020 Course Delivery Q&A with IDT.” The sessions will be held the week of 8/17 and take place each day from 2-3 p.m. At the meeting, we will briefly cover some FAQs, and then focus the time on w88 mobile Q&A and open discussion. Space is limited, so please register in advance to attend your preferred session.

WebCampus Q&A sessions

TLT is also offering two WebCampus Q&A sessions to address your most pressing questions in moving to remote instruction. It is aimed at assisting new users of WebCampus, as well as instructors who have been using it for years but want to leverage new tools during this time of remote instruction.

Getting started with Zoom sessions

Additionally, one-hour Zoom training sessions are being held: Tuesday 8/18, Wednesday 8/19, Thursday 8/20, and Friday 8/21 at 10:00 a.m. These sessions will provide the basics you need to get started integrating Zoom into your instruction.

Getting Started with Zoom Tue 8/18, Wed 8/19, Thu 8/20, Fri 8/21 at 10 a.m.

TurningPoint sessions

TLT will be facilitating a webinar featuring TurningPoint. The Turning Technologies staff will demonstrate how to use the student response technology in conjunction with Zoom to increase student engagement in HyFkex/mixed or online w88 mobile scenarios.

Top Hat sessions

“Building Engaged Fall courses with Top Hat in any lecture style and setting"

This webinar will focus on the key building blocks for creating a successful active learning experience for your students, in online, hybrid or face-to-face settings. Learn how to create interactive Top Hat content and how to digitally deliver that material in asynchronous and synchronous classes alongside Zoom.

You can register yourself for the webinar here:Top Hat Webinar Sign up

Building Engaged Courses with Top Hat: Tues 8/18 & Wed 8/19 11 a.m.

For questions or more information, contact the Instructional Design Team (IDT)