w88 casino games

w88 casino games, M.A.

Lecturer of Spanish | SPAN 111 Expanded, SPAN 112 Expanded, SPAN 226 Expanded


Roberto Ortiz, lecturer of Spanish and first-year Spanish coordinator, has taught elementary and intermediate Spanish, both face-to-face and online courses, to high school and college/university students since receiving his M.A. in foreign language and literature from the w88 casino, Reno in 2005. Recently, he has concentrated on teaching and advising Spanish heritage language learners. He currently serves as the Spanish heritage language advisor and Spanish for the professions track advisor. He believes in developing partnerships with community and university representatives.

Before joining the w88 casino, Reno as a lecturer of Spanish, he worked for a statewide non-profit agency as director of programs advocating for equal housing opportunity in the state of w88 casino. He is originally from México, but has lived over 25 years in northern w88 casino.

Courses taught

  • SPAN 111-112 First Year Spanish I* & II*
  • SPAN 211-212 Second Year Spanish I* & II*
  • SPAN 227 - Spanish Heritage Speakers II*
  • SPAN 307 - Writing for Spanish Heritage Speakers
  • SPAN 309 - Spanish Conversation

*Face-to-Face and Online


  • M.A., foreign language & literature, w88 casino, Reno, 2005
  • B.A., Spanish, w88 casino, Reno, 2002