Keri w88 casino

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What keeps me going is the hope that in my lifetime high performance/low damage structural w88 casino techniques will become commonplace. There is nothing better than working with a graduate student on the brink of discovery. In my spare time, I try to get to the top of more mountains.
"What keeps me going is the hope that in my lifetime high performance/low damage structural w88 casino techniques will become commonplace. There is nothing better than working with a graduate student on the brink of discovery. In my spare time, I try to get to the top of more mountains."
Dr. Ryan is a professor the CEE Department, specializing in the earthquake and structural w88 casino sub-discipline. The overarching theme of her research is development of w88 casino concepts and techniques for improved seismic performance, with primary applications in buildings. Much of her work has focused on seismic isolation, and she has been awarded three major National Science Foundation projects focused in this area. She led an international collaborative test program between the U.S. and Japan that conducted shake table testing of a full scale building with and without seismic isolation. This led to groundbreaking discoveries on the effect of vertical shaking, and horizontal-vertical coupling responses in buildings. Recently, Dr. Ryan has diversified her research portfolio, and has recent or ongoing projects in the areas of nonstructural components, and lower damage structural systems for timber and concrete.
- Ph.D., Structural w88 casino, University of California, Berkeley, 2004
- M.S., Structural w88 casino, University of California, Berkeley, 1999
- B.S., w88 casino and Applied Science, California Institute of Technology, 1998
- Editorial Board Member for Earthquake w88 casino and Structural Dynamics, Appointment commencing July 2018.
- Associate Editor, Journal of Structural w88 casino (ASCE), 2012-2018.
- Chaired the Overall Organizing Committee and Fundraising Committee for Retirement Symposium and Celebration of the Career of Anil K. Chopra, Oct. 2-3, 2017.
- Peer Reviewer for ATC-120: w88 casino Analysis and Design of Nonstructural Components and Systems, Phase I, 2015-2016.
- Member of ASCE 7 Seismic Subcommittee and ASCE 41 Committee since 2013, with active contribution to the w88 casino and Energy Dissipation provisions.
Professional Workshop Organization
- Vertically Distributed Nonstructural Components (vNCS) Workshop (Co-Organizer), University of California, San Diego, July 18, 2018. Developed collaborative w88 casino plan with industry.
- NEES TIPS Wrap-Up Workshop (Lead Coordinator), San Diego, Sept. 18, 2013. Communicated outcomes of NEES TIPS project.
- NEES TIPS/E-Defense Full Scale w88 casino Test Program, Participant Workshop (Lead Coordinator), Miki, Japan, August 17-19, 2011. Engaged participants in test program.
- TIPS: Addressing Challenges to the Adoption of w88 casino Workshop #1 (Lead Coordinator), San Francisco, Nov. 30, 2007. Identified obstacles to implementation of w88 casino and developed a research agenda
News & announcements
- December 2022 — Dr. Ryan spoke about her work on the Natural Hazards w88 casino Research Infrastructure (NHERI) TallWood project in a recent interview with Design Safe Radio. Listen here:
- September 2022 — FP Innovations publishes a new comprehensive manual, “Modeling Guide for Timber Structures,” with more than 100 academic and industry contributors. Dr. w88 casino contributed to Chapter 7.4 on Seismic Isolation Applications. This guideline is free for all to download at
- August 2022 — NHERI TallWood Team distributes its second newsletter on the progress of the 10-story Tall Timber Test throughout the project. To join the distribution list, send an email tonheritallwoodcommunications@gmail.comwith the subject line &w88 casino;Join Newsletter Distribution List.” All newsletters are also archived on the front page of the NHERI TallWood project website.
- July 2022 — Dr. w88 casino awarded the Earthquake w88 slot online, commitment.
- July 2022 — Construction commences on the 10-story mass timber structure at UCSD. Follow progress on the UCSD webcam live stream video.
- June 2022 — Dr. w88 casino presents findings on the Alaska DOT&PF-funded project to test water and ice contaminated friction pendulum bearings to the AASHTO T2: Bearings committee and T3: Seismic committee at the annual Committee on Bridges and Structures meeting in Pittsburgh.
- November 2021 — NHERI Tallwood Team releases video animation of the 10-story structure mass timber structure to be erected and shaken at UCSD in 2022.
- January 2021— Futurum Careers features Dr. w88 casino and collaborators in an article about the NHERI TallWood Project. Futurum, with a large K-12 international audience, aims at inspiring future generations to find their passion in STEM fields.
- September 2019 — CEE Department awarded 1K GAANN Grant from the Department of Education to fund Ph.D. fellowships under the theme: Rebuilding the Nation’s Structural Infrastructure for Resilience to Extreme Events. Dr. Ryan is the Project Director for this program, which is a collaborative effort of CEE and w88 casino Education. w88 sports betting Ph.D. fellowships.
- May 2019 — US Forest Service announces 2019 Wood Innovation Grant Awards; UNR/Dr. w88 casino awarded project "Advancing Tall Mass Timber Buildings Through Seismic Resilience Testing."
- April 2019— NHERI TallWood Project releases details of planned 2021 shake table test.
- October 2018 — Dr. w88 casino gives webinar for NHERI@Lehigh Webinar series, Lessons Learned from 3-dimensional Shake Table Testing of a Full-Scale Seismically-Isolated Building.
NHERI TallWood Project
Professor w88 casino is playing an integral role in a collaborative research venture designed to improve the earthquake resiliency of tall timber buildings as part of the NHERI TallWood Project.
w88 casino interests
- w88 casino of buildings and bridges
- Influence of vertical ground shaking on the seismic response of w88 casino and nonstructural components
- Fundamental dynamic response of structures to 3-dimensional ground shaking
- Low damage or damage tolerant lateral systems using innovative materials
- Low damage detailing of nonstructural components
- Dynamic response of buildings with post-tensioned rocking wall systems
- Influence of soil-structure interaction on vertical ground shaking
Selected publications
- Eltahawy, Walaa, w88 casino, Keri L., Cesmeci, Sevki, Gordaninejad, Faramarz, “Displacement/velocity-based control of a liquid spring – MR damper for vertical w88 casino”, w88 casino Control and Health Monitoring,2019.
- Eltahawy, Walaa, w88 casino, Keri L., Cesmeci, Sevki, Gordaninejad, Faramarz, “Parameters affecting dynamics of three-dimensional w88 casino”, Journal of Earthquake w88 casino, 2018.
- w88 casino, Keri L., Button, Martin R., Mayes, Ronald L. “ASCE 7-16 lateral force distribution equations for static design of seismically isolated buildings”, Journal of Structural w88 casino, 145(2):04018258,2018.
- w88 casino, Keri L., Okazaki, Taichiro, Coria, Camila B., Sato, Eiji, Sasaki, Tomohiro, “Response of hybrid w88 casino system during a shake table experiment of a full scale isolated building”, Earthquake w88 casino and Structural Dynamics, 47(11):2214-2232. 2018.
- Guzman Pujols, Jean C., w88 casino, Keri L. “Computational simulation of slab vibration and horizontal-vertical coupling in a full-scale testbed subjected to 3D shaking at E-Defense”, Earthquake w88 casino and Structural Dynamics, 47(2):438-459,2017.
- Zargar, Hamed, w88 casino, Keri L., Rawlinson, Taylor, Marshall, Justin D. “Evaluation of a passive gap damper to control displacements in a shaking test of a seismically-isolated 3-story frame”, Earthquake w88 casino and Structural Dynamics, 46(1):51-71, 2016.
- Mohebbi, Alireza, w88 casino, Keri. L., Sanders, David H. “w88 casino protection of the piers of integral bridges using sliding bearings”, Journal of Earthquake w88 casino, 21(8):1365-1384,2016.
- Cutfield, Matt R., w88 casino, Keri L., Ma, Quincy. “Comparative life cycle analysis of conventional and base-isolated buildings&w88 casino;, Earthquake Spectra, EERI, 32(1):323-343.2016.
- Guzman Pujols, Jean C., w88 casino, Keri L. “Development of generalized fragility functions for w88 casino induced content disruption&w88 casino;, Earthquake Spectra, EERI, 32(3):1303-1324. 2015.
- Ryan, Keri L., Soroushian, Siavash, Maragakis, E. Manos, Sato, Eiji, Sasaki, Tomohiro, Okazaki, Taichiro. “Seismic simulation of an integrated ceiling-partition wall-piping system at E-Defense I: Three-dimensional structural response and base isolation”, Journal of Structural w88 casino, ASCE, 142(2):04015130,2015.
- Soroushian, Siavash, Maragakis, E. Manos, w88 casino, Keri L., Sato, Eiji, Sasaki, Tomohiro, Okazaki, Taichiro, Mosqueda, Gilberto. “w88 casino simulation of an integrated ceiling-partition wall-piping system at E-Defense. II: Evaluation of nonstructural damage and fragilities”, Journal of Structural w88 casino, ASCE, 142(2):04015131, 2015.
- w88 casino, Keri L., Dao, Nhan D. “Influence of vertical ground shaking on horizontal response of seismically-isolated buildings with friction bearings”, Journal of Structural w88 casino, ASCE, 142(1): 04015089, 2015.
- Dao, Nhan D. and w88 casino, Keri L. “Computational simulation of a full-scale fixed-base and isolated-base steel moment frame building tested at E-Defense”, J. Struct. Eng., 140, Special Issue: Computational Simulation in Structural w88 casino, A4014005, 2014.
- Dao, Nhan D., w88 casino, Keri L., Sato, Eiji and Sasaki, Tomohiro. “Predicting the displacement of triple pendulumTM bearings in a full-scale shaking experiment using a three-dimensional element”, Earthquake w88 casino and Structural Dynamics, 42(11):1677-1695,2013.
- Warn, Gordon P. and w88 casino, Keri L. “A review of w88 casino for buildings: historical development and research needs&w88 casino;, Buildings (Open Access), Invited manuscript for journal special issue, 2(3):300-325,2012.
Courses taught
- CEE 120: Sustainable Infrastructure Systems
- CEE 372: Mechanics of Solids
- CEE 381: w88 casino Analysis
- CEE 482/682: Design of Timber Structures
- CEE 486/686: Computational w88 casino Analysis
- CEE 704: Finite Element Analysis
- CEE 721: Nonlinear w88 casino Analysis