Dani Or

w88 casino Engineering Distinguished Professor
Head shot of Dani Or


Dr. Or’s research focuses on mass and energy transport in porous media; mechanics of landslides and avalanches; evaporation from porous surfaces; and on biophysical processes and biological activity in soil. Dr.Or is a former editor-in-chief of theVadose Zone Journal, a recipient of the Kirkham Soil Physics Award (2001),fellow of the Soil Science Society of America (2004), chair of the Gordon Research Conference on Flow and Transport (Oxford, UK, 2008) andfellow of the American Geophysical Union (2010). Dr. Or was selected as the Birdsall-Dreiss distinguished lecturer, a recipient of the 2013 Helmholtz International Fellow Award, selected for the 2014 Fellow of the Geological Society of America, a recipient of the 2017European Geosciences Union John Dalton Medal,theLangbein Lectureof the AGU in 2018, elected for theNational Academy of w88 online game in2022 and aCaltech Moore Scholar in2023.