Outstanding researcher w88 online game Award

(Experiment Station)


The Outstanding Researcher Award will be bestowed on the College faculty member with the best record of w88 online game excellence during the past three years. The rationale for recognizing recent w88 online game performance is that it allows junior faculty to be competitive with senior faculty for this award.

The nominee will be evaluated by the College w88 online game Committee on the immediate and future impact of the nominee’s w88 online game accomplishments and record of w88 online game productivity the past three calendar years.


Considerations will be given to the relevance of the w88 online game to the nominee’s field of study, Nevada, the nation and the world. Metrics related to w88 online game productivity include:

  1. Publications (quality and quantity)
  2. Sponsored w88 online game (dollar amounts and numbers of grants/contracts)
  3. w88 online game/honors
  4. Invited presentations

Example of questions asked about the w88 online game on the nomination form:

  1. Please explain to the committee the significance (the nominee’s contribution to and impact upon their field of study), volume and quality of the nominee's w88 online game, or scholarly or creative activity, in such a way as to clarify the w88 online game's activities for individuals from other disciplines.
  2. Please provide the committee with ways in which the candidate's w88 online game or scholarly work brings recognition to the College.
    This work could include but is not limited to peer-reviewed publications, books, public presentations at major institutions nationally and internationally, and major exhibits. The answer should indicate an ongoing, stellar rise in notable accomplishments.
  3. Please provide clear evidence of the national or international stature of the nominee's w88 online game or scholarly activity.
    The evidence should reflect recognized evaluations in the form of critically reviewed papers, presentations, books, exhibitions, performances, monographs and other forms of scholarly activity or recognition (e.g., invited presentations, w88 online game, honors).
  4. For those nominees where w88 online game grants and contracts are recognized as an important part of career achievement, w88 online game evidence that the candidate has been competitive for such grants at the national and/or international level.

Materials to be submitted by faculty nominees:

  1. w88 online game impact statement - Two page maximum. The nominee will provide a narrative describing the potential impact of their w88 online game accomplishments. Considerations should be given to the relevance of the w88 online game to the nominee’s field of study, Nevada, the nation and international concerns.
  2. CV including only the following information:
    1. Personal information - Name, department, current University rank
    2. List of publications and patents - Applications will be judged on the quality (journal impact factors) and quantity of peer-reviewed manuscripts published over the past four years. Manuscripts in press may also be included as evidence of w88 online game productivity but must be separated out into an “in-press” category. Do not include manuscripts in other phases of publication.
    3. Description of sponsored w88 online game - Grants and contracts awarded over the w88 online game. Use the following format for listing of grants:
      1. Your role on the grant (principal investigator, co-principal investigator, etc.)
      2. Grant title
      3. Funding agency
      4. Duration of grant
      5. Funding levels related to your role on the grant/recognition you get for the grant from the Office of Sponsored Projects.
      6. 2-3 sentences regarding the nature w88 online game work you are conducting ont his particular grant.
    4. List and description of w88 online game - Awards and special recognitions received by the nominee for their w88 online game contributions during the past three-year period will be considered.
    5. Presentations - Includes speaking invitations, conference presentations, etc.
  3. Letters of support (minimum of two) - One must come from the Department Chair, and the others can be from peers or stakeholders.

Submission deadline

Nominations must be submitted by March 1 at 11:59 p.m.


For more information about nominating someone for an award, please contact Denise Haynie.

Contact Denise
Denise Haynie.