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Student Outcomes Report

Read the recent student outcomes report highlighting enrollment, graduation rates, job placement and additional information. 

Learning Goals & Objectives for Undergraduate Students

LG1: Students will demonstrate mastery of fundamental business knowledge and practices.

  • LO1.1: Students will achieve financial literacy (this comprises the ability to read and interpret financial reports.)
  • LO1.2: Students will achieve investment literacy.
  • LO1.3: Students will understand theories of motivation and be able to see how they apply to their past, present, and future experiences as students, employees, employers, and leaders.
  • LO1.4: Students will obtain a general knowledge w88 online casinoof and an appreciation of how social and political events affect business (this comprises an understanding of the political and social environments which impact business and commerce).

LG2: Students will possess analytical and critical thinking skills.

  • LO2.1: Students will demonstrate ability to apply key statistical tools.
  • LO2.2: Students will use evaluative thinking to analyze a strategic business decision.
  • LO2.3: Students will be able to develop, analyze and interpret a quantitative decision-support model.

LG3: Students will be effective communicators within a business environment.

  • LO3.1: Students will effectively communicate information, concepts, and ideas in writing.
  • LO3.2: Students will be able to prepare and deliver a professional speech on a business issue.
  • LO3.3: Students will be able to function effectively in a small group.

LG4: Students will be able to use information technology to support business analysis and operations.

  • LO4.1: Students will utilize technology to produce a professional business document and/or presentation demonstrating proficient use of spreadsheet, word processor, presentation graphics, and database applications and the Internet. This includes both (A) learning the basics in a simulated environment (knowledge/comprehension), and (B) the use of applications in individual projects (application/analysis).
  • LO4.2: Students will utilize technology to complete a comprehensive managerial analysis project.
  • LO4.3: Students will demonstrate fundamental understanding of computers, operating systems, applications, w88 casino gamesdata storage and file structures.
  • LO4.4: Students will critically analyze and evaluate the functionality and business value of potential information system solutions.
  • LO4.5: Students will demonstrate knowledge of Web site design, Web site creation, and Web search techniques for effectively displaying and gathering information on the internet.

LG5: Students will recognize, evaluate and resolve ethical issues, both personally and organizationally.

  • LO5.1: Students will recognize ethical issues embedded in common business activities.
  • LO5.2: Students will reach an ethically defensible resolution that meets the needs of multiple stakeholders.

LG6: Students will develop a global business perspective and will have the knowledge and skills to conduct business internationally.

  • LO6.1: Students will understand theoretical concepts related to international business and are able to apply them to business analysis and decision-making.
  • LO6.2: Students will know what data and how to collect such data to assess the political, economic, social, technological and legal international business environment.
  • LO6.3: Students will become aware of cultural differences and the implications of such for business and management practices.