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International conference of the University of Nevada, Reno Center for Basque Studies, the Government of Bizkaia and the UNR College of Business

University of Nevada, Reno

November 16 & 17, 2021

COVID-19 pandemic brought attention to coordination problems between central and local governments in countries with decentralized government systems. While there are also some success stories regarding government response to the pandemic, many decentralized countries suffered from the coordination problems particularly in terms of public health response. In this conference, researchers from the University of Nevada, Reno w88 casinoCollege of Business, the Center for Basque Studies, w88 online casinothe Government of Bizkaia in the Basque Country and the University of the Basque Country, Faculty of Economics and Business will present evidence on decentralized government response from different country and local case studies. The goal of the conference is to compare the experience and performance of different governments to understand which policies have worked better during the pandemic. The papers from the conference will be published in a book volume by the Center for Basque Studies.

Program agenda
Pacific Time Europe Time Sessions Participants

Nov. 16


Nov. 16


Welcome Gemma Martínez Mehmet Tosun Xabier Irujo

Nov. 16


Nov. 16


Central and Local Government Response to Covid-19: International Evidence Mehmet Tosun

Nov. 16


Nov. 16


Covid-19 Impact on Export Support Programs – A Case of Nevada Pawel Pietrasienski
15 minute break

Nov. 16


Nov. 16


The Limits of Decentralization: the Swiss Example Sonja Pippin

Nov. 17


Nov. 17


The European Fiscal Union on the edge of the pandemic Andoni Montes

Nov. 17


Nov. 17


International exchange of tax information and the Basque economic agreement Raquel Tubía
15 minute break

Nov. 17


Nov. 17


Subnational governments debt management in times of crisis: between bailout and fiscal responsibility. The case of the Basque Country Mikel Erkoreka Robert Ugalde

