Bret w88 slot online Headshot

Bret w88 slot online

Associate Professor and Chair of w88 slot online


Curriculum Vitae

Selected Publications

  • w88 slot online, B.L. (2012) New Evidence for Servant Leadership's Efficacy as a Managerial Approach. In Lisa Haneberg (Ed.) ASTD Management Development Handbook: Innovation for Today's Manager, Alexandria, VA, American Society of Training and Development
  • Nelson, D.L., & w88 slot online, B.L. Health psychology and eustress. In J.C. Quick and L.E. Tetrick (Eds.) Handbook of Occupational Health Psychology, 2nd ed., Washington, DC, American Psychological Association. 2010.
  • w88 slot online, B.L., Gooty, J, Nelson, D.L., & Little, L.M. 2009. Secure attachments: Implications for trust, hope, burnout, and performance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 30: 233-247.
  • Westerman, J. & w88 slot online, B.L. 2007. The effects of work environment on the personality-performance relationship: An exploratory study. Journal of Managerial Issues, 19: 288-305
  • Little, L.M, w88 slot online, B.L., and Nelson, D.L. 2007. Health among leaders: positive and negative affect, engagement and burnout, forgiveness and revenge. Journal of Management Studies. Special Issue Managerial Dimensions of Organizational Health: The Healthy Leader At Work. 44: 243-260.
  • w88 slot online, B.L. & Nelson, D.L. 2007. Eustress at work: Extending the holistic model of stress. In Nelson, D.L. & Cooper, C.L. Positive Organizational Behavior: Accentuating the Positive at Work, pp. 40-53. Sage Publishing
  • Nelson, D.L. & w88 slot online, B.L. 2005. Eustress and hope at work: Accentuating the positive. In A.M. Rossi, P. Perewee, and S. Sauter (Eds.). Stress and Quality of Working Life: Current Perspectives in Occupational Health, Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
  • Gooty, J, Nelson, D.L., & w88 slot online, B.L., In whom we trust: An attachment theory perspective and empirical evidence across two studies. Southern Management Association 2005 Proceedings.

Selected Academic Presentations

  • McKee-Ryan, F.M. & w88 slot online, B.L. Overqualified employee's retention: The role of core self-evaluations and engagement. Presented at the 2013 annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology in San Diego, Ca.
  • Week, J.L., Mcleod, A., Simkin, M.G., w88 slot online, B.L. Toward a Commitment Continuum. Presented at the 2010 Americas Conference On Information Systems in Lima, Peru. Also published in the conference proceedings.
  • w88 slot online, B.L. (symposium chair) Employee engagement: the links to performance across cultures and generations. Presenters Cary L. Cooper, Arnold Bakker, Jim Westerman, John Gibbons, and Despoina Xanthopoulou. Presented at the 2008 meeting of the British Academy of Management in Harrogate, UK.
  • w88 slot online, B.L. Engagement as an indicator of eustress. A presentation for the symposium "Aspects of Positive and Health Psychology." Presented at the 2008 meeting of the American Psychological Society in Chicago, Ill.
  • w88 slot online, B.L., Westerman, J., Little, L., & Nelson, D.L. Employee satisfaction with benefits: An unexplored path to performance. Presented at the 2008 meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology in San Francisco, CA.
  • w88 slot online, B.L (symposium chair). Positive emerging trends in organizations. Presenters Tom Wright, Chris Peterson, Paul Lloyd, Jim Quick, Debra Nelson, and Marilyn Macik-Frey. Presented at the 2007 meeting of the American Psychological Association in San Francisco, California.
  • Nelson, D.L., & w88 slot online, B.L. The holistic stress model: balance in the effects of work stress. A presentation for the symposium "Positive Psychology and Organizational Stress: Theoretical and Empirical Connections." Presented at the 2007 meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology in New York City, New York.
  • Gooty, J., w88 slot online, B.L., & Nelson, D.L. The biasing effect of positive and negative affect in self-reports: Should we care or is it an urban legend? Co-chair with Debra Nelson. Presented at the 2006 meeting of the British Academy of Management in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
  • Gooty, J, Nelson, D.L., & w88 slot online, B.L., In whom we trust: An attachment theory perspective and empirical evidence across two studies. Presented at the 2005 meeting of the Southern Management Association in Charleston, South Carolina.
  • w88 slot online, B.L., and Nelson, D.L. The equivocal relationship between hope and performance. A presentation for the symposium "Positive strengths to meet the challenges: Hope, vigor, and self-reliance." Presented at the 2005 meeting of the British Academy of Management in Oxford, England.

Teaching Experience

  • Summer 2006 - present, w88 casino Reno
    • Organizational Behavior: Undergraduate level. Topics include individual differences, attitudes, attribution, values, ethics, performance w88 slot online, stress, communication, groups and teams, leadership, power and politics, culture, conflict, and trust.
    • Advanced Organizational Behavior: Undergraduate level. An in depth study of followership and leadership.
    • w88 slot online and Organization Science: Graduate Level. Use of case analysis and experiential learning to consider the essentials of managing organizational behavior.
    • Seminar in Quantitative Methods: Undergraduate Level. Selected topics, readings, and discussion of current issues in the use of quantitative systems and techniques for making w88 slot online decisions.
    • International w88 slot online: Undergraduate level. A comprehensive view of the principles, practices, and challenges of managing in the global environment.
    • Social Business and Personal Branding: Undergraduate and graduate level. Focus on the use of personal branding to enhance career or entrepreneurial success.

Professional Affiliations

  • Academy of w88 slot online
  • American Psychological Association
  • America Psychological Society
  • Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  • British Academy of w88 slot online
  • Western Academy of w88 slot online
  • Southern w88 slot online Association
  • Institute for Operations Research and the w88 slot online Sciences
  • Academy for Health Services Research and Health Policy
  • International Stress w88 slot online Association - USA Branch


  • Ph.D. in Business w88 slot online (w88 slot online)- Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 2000
  • Masters in International w88 slot online - Whitworth College, Spokane, Washington, 1994
  • BS in w88 slot online - Park College, Parkville, Missouri, 1992 (classes taken at Fairchild AFB, Washington)
  • A.A.S. - LOGISTICS Community College of the Air Force, 1988