Headshot for Kambiz Raffiee

Kambiz Raffiee

Associate Dean for Graduate w88 online game & Research, Director of the MBA and Online Executive MBA (EMBA) w88 online game


Kambiz Raffiee is Associate Dean for Graduate w88 online game & Research and Director of the MBA and Online Executive MBA (EMBA) programs of the College of w88 online game at the University of Nevada, Reno. He has published extensively in nationally and internationally refereed journals that include the top-ranked journals in transportation economics. He is the recipient of the University of Nevada, Reno Foundation Professor Award in recognition of his significant contributions in research, teaching and service.


  • Ph.D. Economics, w88 online game Oregon
  • M.S. Economics, w88 online game Oregon
  • B.A. Economics, Pahlavi w88 online game