w88 online live casino

Updated: March 2018

Program Description

The Master of Science in Finance (“MSF”) program, offered by the AACSB-accredited Department of Managerial sciences at the College of Business, is designed to help students develop technical and analytical skills in the area of finance and to acquire the core conceptual knowledge about the applications of those skills in solving financial issues and furthering the body of knowledge through ongoing research. Students completing the program receive a well-rounded education in finance.

Master of Science in Finance students learn from accomplished professors and scholars who are committed to high-quality teaching. Specifically, upon completion of the program students will achieve the following learning outcomes:

  1. Students will be able to understand how markets work according to the Efficient Market Hypothesis.
  2. Students will be able to value financial assets such as stocks, bonds, and derivatives using current valuation methods.
  3. Students will be able to evaluate capital budgeting projects.
  4. Students will be able to construct efficient portfolios.

For more information, visit theFinance Department pageor contact the program director:

Hongchao Zeng, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Finance
Ansari Business Building 311 B
(775) 682-9195

Note:This handbook lists w88 online live casino program academic policies and procedures. It includes information on w88 online live casino school policies, degree requirements, timeline for degree completion, committee selection guidelines and comprehensive exam/thesis requirements. Every effort has been made to make this handbook accurate as of the date of publication; however, this handbook does not constitute a contractual commitment. w88 online live casino programs may not offer all of the courses as described, and policies are subject to yearly review and changes with program director and w88 online live casino Council approval.

Degree Requirements

The Master of Science in Finance program consists of two options: option A (thesis option) with 30 credits and option B (non-thesis option) with 33 credits. Depending on students’ backgrounds several pre-requisite courses may be required (see below).

The thesis option provides students the opportunity to complete a research project under the guidance of expert faculty. Completing a thesis can strengthen the student’s profile both academically and professionally. Consider these additional points:

  • If the student is interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in Finance at another institution, the thesis option is advantageous.
  • It may require additional time to complete a thesis.
  • A thesis option may be helpful in getting employment in research roles.

The non-thesis option allows the student to have more class time and a structured syllabus instead of research. This might be an option for those who prefer to finish the program as quickly as possible and begin a job search outside of academia or research.

Course Overview

Plan A (non-thesis):

  • ECON 702 - Advanced Microeconomics 3 OR
  • BADM 730 - Economics in the Firm 3
  • BADM 741 - Financial Management 3
  • BADM 742 - Research Methods in Finance 3
  • BADM 743 - Investment Management 3
  • FIN 620 - International Finance 3 • Approved Electives * 18
  • Total : 33 credits

Plan B (thesis):

  • ECON 702 - Advanced Microeconomics 3 OR
  • BADM 730 - Economics in the Firm 3
  • BADM 741 - Financial Management 3
  • BADM 742 - Research Methods in Finance 3
  • BADM 743 - Investment Management 3
  • FIN 620 - International Finance 3
  • Approved Electives * 9
  • BADM 797 Thesis 6
  • Total : 30 credits


  • FIN 610 - Derivatives
  • FIN 604 - Financial Management Theory and Practice
  • BADM 744 - Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
  • BADM 745 - Commercial Bank Management
  • BADM 746 - Corporate Treasury Management
  • BADM 748 - Real Estate Finance
  • FIN 693 - Advanced Seminar in Finance
  • ECON 703 - Advanced Macroeconomics
  • ECON 641 - Econometrics

Students who do not have a background in finance may be required to take some or all of the following background courses.

  • Basic Calculus (equivalent to MATH 176)
  • Statistics of Decision Making (equivalent to BADM 700)
  • Financial Reporting and Accounting (equivalent to BADM 710)

The decision which background courses are required is made on a case by case basis and depends on the students’ backgrounds.

w88 online live casino School Academic Requirements

All w88 online live casino students must maintain a cumulative w88 online live casino GPA of 3.0. If their GPA drops below 3.0 they are either placed on probation or dismissed. Undergraduate courses will not count towards w88 online live casino GPA.


Students whose cumulative w88 online live casino GPA is between 2.99 and 2.31 are put on probation. Students are placed on academic probation for one semester. If they fail to raise their cumulative GPA to 3.0 by the end of one semester, they are dismissed from their w88 online live casino program. Thesis, dissertation, S/U graded credits, and transfer credits have no impact on a student’s GPA.


Students whose cumulative w88 online live casino GPA is 2.30 or lower are dismissed from w88 online live casino standing. Dismissed students are no longer in a w88 online live casino program but may take w88 online live casino-level courses as a Grad Special. Students wishing to complete their degree must obtain approval to take w88 online live casino-level courses, raise their w88 online live casino GPA to at least 3.0 and then re-apply to a w88 online live casino program. Any courses taken to raise their GPA will be included in the w88 online live casino special/ transfer credit limitation (9 credits for master’s degrees).

Transfer Credits

Students may transfer credits from institutions to meet the degree requirements. Students can also apply credits from another w88 online live casino program at UNR towards the MSF program. Per w88 online live casino school policy the combined number of courses transferred from another institution and from another UNR w88 online live casino program cannot be more than three (nine credits). The decision whether a course taken in a different program and/or at a different institution meets the MSF program requirements is made on a case by case basis.

Note that pre-requisite / background courses do not need to be transferred.

w88 online live casino School Policy: Transfer credits are credits transferred from another institution. Credits completed at UNR in another program or as a w88 online live casino special do not need to be transferred. Transfer credit is requested on thew88 online live casino Credit Transfer Evaluation Request form available on w88 online live casino School websiteand must be signed by the student, major advisor, and w88 online live casino director. Transfer credits applied to a master’s program must comply with the time limitation on master’s work (6 years). Thus, if a student took a course five years prior to admission, they would have to complete the degree within one year for the course to apply to the degree. Credits from a completed master’s degree will be exempt from the 8-year time limitation for those students earning a doctoral degree.

Timeline for Degree Completion

The timeline for completion of the program depends on the following:

  • Full-time versus part-time student
  • Student with an undergraduate degree in finance from an AACSB-accredited university versus any other student

Sample timeline for full-time student with background in finance:

First-year Fall Semester (3 courses; 9 credits)

  • BADM 741
  • BADM 743
  • One finance elective

First-year Spring Semester (3 courses; 9 credits)

  • BADM 742
  • BADM 730
  • One finance elective

Second-year Fall Semester (3 courses; 9 credits)

  • FIN 620R
  • Two finance electives

Second-year Spring Semester (2 courses; 6 credits)

  • Two finance electives

Please note the deadlines for the following forms that must be submitted to the w88 online live casino school:

forms w88 online live casino and policies for students.

Master’s degrees:All course work must be completed within six years preceding the awarding of the degree.

Committee Selection Guideline

By the end of the second semester in the MSF program, students in the thesis option must have selected their thesis committee. This committee is usually composed of at least three members of the w88 online live casino Faculty. At least one (the w88 online live casino school representative or “outside” member) must be from a department or program different from the department or program from which the student is graduating. The major professor serves as chair.

The thesis committee is responsible for planning and directing the work required for the master’s degree. This includes advising the student during preparation of the thesis proposal and ensuring that the entire degree program can be accomplished within the time available. The thesis committee also ensures that the student is adequately prepared to do the required work, supervises preparation of the thesis, and certifies that the thesis is ready for the thesis defense.

Master’s Programs:All masters programs (with the exception of the Master’s of Business Administration and the Master’s of Accountancy programs) require at least three advisory committee members. All must be w88 online live casino faculty members. At least one (the w88 online live casino school representative or “outside” member) must be from a department or program different from the department or program from which the student is graduating.

Doctoral Programs:Consist of a minimum of five w88 online live casino faculty members; the chair, at least two faculty members from the student’s major department/program, at least one faculty member from a department in a field related to the student’s major, and at least one w88 online live casino School representative.

In case of interdisciplinary w88 online live casino programs, the w88 online live casino School Representative cannot have a primary appointment in the same department (or other appropriate major unit) as the student's committee chair.

Formal approval of all student advisory committees is made by the w88 online live casino Dean.

Comprehensive Exams


Thesis Requirements (and/or non-thesis option)

The specific objectives of writing a thesis in the MSF program are:

  1. to comprehend a broad body of finance knowledge generally related to the student’s area of interest;
  2. to master the student’s specific area of interest to the degree necessary to conduct independent research in that field;
  3. to acquire the essential skills for conducting such research, including the use of appropriate theoretical and empirical methods; and
  4. to achieve proficiency in written and oral communication, as applied to the student’s area of specialization.

The thesis option is strongly recommended for those students who intend to pursue doctoral work in academia and research-oriented positions in industry. Students should recognize that writing a thesis is an iterative process between the Chair and student. A thesis should include the following information unless otherwise determined by the Chair:

a. Title of thesis – This should be a succinct statement which holds enough detail to convey the objective of the research.

b. Abstract – Usually one short paragraph containing the major aspects of the entire paper in a prescribed sequence that includes the overall purpose of the study and the research problem(s) you investigated, the basic design of the study, major findings or trends found as a result of your analysis, and a brief summary of your interpretations and conclusions.

c. Introduction – Usually one to two pages of narrative containing a definition of the problem or area of study along with an explanation of what the reader should expect in the completed thesis.

d. Literature – A brief list and discussion (with references and citations) of the academic literature the student expects to use in the research.

e. Methodology – Description of the methods the author employs to conduct his study. The methods used must be justified by referring to earlier studies or providing proof of the method’s suitability based on one’s own analysis.

f. Analysis – A theoretical analysis must include propositions and proofs. An empirical analysis must include data collection and empirical testing.

g. Conclusions – A description of conclusions.

The formatting and other guidelines for the thesis are dictated by the w88 online live casino School and must be followed precisely. The MSF program does not maintain its own requirements for the thesis format.

Successfully completing a thesis will typically include meeting the following guidelines:

  1. The first draft of the thesis should be provided to the Committee Chair at least eight weeks prior to the date the thesis is due to the w88 online live casino School. The Chair will work with the student directly to revise the thesis, which may take several revisions.
  2. Submit the revised thesis to the Committee at least 6 weeks prior to the date the thesis is due to the w88 online live casino School. The Committee should review the thesis and return any comments, criticisms, or suggestions to the student within two weeks.
  3. The student should carefully and thoroughly address comments made by the Committee and return the revised thesis to the Committee four weeks prior to the date the thesis is due.
  4. This timeline represents the minimum acceptable time for each step, and can be modified given consent of student, committee, and chair.

w88 online live casino School forms and resources related to thesis and dissertations:

Please also include that once all requirements have been met, students need to submit a Final Review Approval and Notice of Completion form in order to w88 online live casino.

w88 online live casino Assistantships

The UNR Finance Sub-department hires between two and three w88 online live casino assistants to support faculty with teaching and research tasks. When a new person is hired all individuals eligible for the position (current and incoming MSF Students) will be informed via e-mail and encouraged to apply, if interested. Hiring decisions are made by a committee consisting of the w88 online live casino program director, the sub-department chair and additional finance faculty.

All graduate students holding an assistantship (teaching GTA or GRA) are considered w88 online live casino residents for tuition purposes. Non-resident tuition is only waived for the duration of the assistantship. To be eligible for an assistantship, students must be admitted to a degree-granting program and be in good academic standing. The student must have an overall GPA of at least 3.0 and must be continuously enrolled in at least 6 graduate level credits (600-700) throughout the duration of the assistantship.

State-funded assistantships (GTA/GRA) may be held for a maximum of: three (3) years for master’s degree students.

View the most updated information on w88 online live casino assistantship.

Health insurance

All domestic degree seeking w88 online live casino students, who are enrolled in six or more credits (regardless of the course level) in a semester, will be automatically enrolled and billed for the University sponsored health insurance for each term they are eligible (fall & spring/summer). If a student has other comparable coverage and would like to waive out of the student health insurance, it is the student’s responsibility to complete theUniversity Online Waiver Formprior to the deadline. If approved, a health insurance waiver is good for the current academic year only. A new waiver must be submitted each academic year. All international w88 online live casino students are required to carry student health insurance, and the cost will be automatically added to your student account. Any international w88 online live casino students with insurance questions must contact theOffice of International Students and Scholars (OISS) Websitedirectly.

Leave of Absence

Continuous Enrollment

To maintain “good standing” all w88 online live casino students are required to enroll in a minimum of three (3) w88 online live casino credits each fall and spring semester until they w88 online live casino. International students may be required to enroll in nine w88 online live casino credits each fall and spring semester depending on the requirements of their visa. All students holding assistantships (whether teaching or research assistantships) are required to enroll in a minimum of six (6) w88 online live casino credits each semester they hold the assistantship.

Leave of Absence

Students in good standing may request a leave of absence by completing aLeave of Absence Formavailable on the w88 online live casino School website during which time they are not required to maintain continuous registration. Usually, a leave of absence is approved for one or two semesters. The leave of absence request may be extended by the student filing an additional leave of absence form. Students applying for a leave of absence should not have any “incomplete” grades which could be changed to “F” and have a detrimental impact on their cumulative GPA. Requests for leave of absences must be received by the w88 online live casino School no later than the last day of enrollment for the semester the leave is to begin.


When a student has been absent for one semester or more without an approved leave of absence, he or she may request reinstatement via theforms w88 online live casino and policies for students(available on the w88 online live casino School website). This form allows the program the option to recommend the student be re-admitted to their w88 online live casino program based on their previous admission OR require the student to re-apply for admission which would require students to submit a new application for admission and pay the application fee. The Notice of Reinstatement to Gradate Standing must be received by the w88 online live casino School no later than the last day of enrollment for the semester the reinstatement is to begin.

w88 online live casino Student Association

The w88 online live casino Student Association (GSA)represents all graduate students and promotes the welfare and interests of the graduate students at the w88 online live casino, Reno. The GSA works closely with appropriate university administrative offices, including the Graduate School and Student Services and reports to the President of the University. The GSA government functions through the Council of Representatives, Executive Council and established committees.

w88 online live casino School Forms

Forms and Deadlines Website