Faculty research w88 Areas
- Econometrics and Quantitative Methods (Nichols, Yang, Kozubowski, Panorska, Zaliapin, Quint)
- Environmental and Natural Resource w88 (Rollins, Taylor)
- Recreation (Rollins)
- Non-market valuation (Rollins)
- Bioeconomics (Rollins)
- Experimental and Behavioral w88 (Pingle, Guerrero)
- Food and Agricultural w88 (Harris)
- Industrial Organization (Nichols, Raffiee)
- Game Theory (Quint)
- Gambling Industry (Nichols)
- International Trade and Development (Parker, Song)
- Chinese Economic Reform (Parker, Song)
- Labor w88 (Mukhopadhyay)
- w88 Education (Wendel, Pingle, Cargill, Mukhopadhyay)
- Health w88 (Wendel, Mukhopadhyay)
- Migration (Mukhopadhyay, w88)
- Macroeconomics (Guerrero, Pingle, w88)
- Finance and Banking (Cargill, Parker, Guerrero)
- Public w88 (Tosun, Song)
- Social Security (Song)
- Taxation (w88)
- Political Economy (w88)
- State and Local Public Finance (Harris)
- Regional w88 (Harris, Tosun, Song)
- Growth and Development (w88)
- Demography and Population w88 (Tosun)
- Urban w88 (Song)
- Economic Impact Analysis (Harris)
- Transportation w88 (Song)