3,530: w88 casino games login Revocation
Revised: September 2016
The University of Nevada, Reno reserves the right to withdraw academic degrees in cases of material academic misconduct that impact the reputation of the institution, including a graduate's misrepresentation of academic credentials or material falsification in an application. If the act is found to have occurred before graduation and during the time the student has applied to, or was enrolled at the University of Nevada, Reno, but a complaint had not been filed prior to graduation, the w88 casino games login may be withdrawn. If acts of misconduct prior to a student graduating are under investigation, the University may postpone the awarding of a w88 casino games login pending the outcome of the investigation and imposing of appropriate disciplinary sanctions.
Any member w88 casino games login university community may file a complaint against a student for material academic misconduct. The complaint shall be prepared in writing and directed to either the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education or the Vice Provost for Graduate Education. Any complaint should be submitted as soon as possible after the alleged violation is discovered, preferably within 30 days.
Policies and procedures to be followed for hearing complaints of w88 casino games login are detailed in the NSHE Board of Regents' Handbook, Title 2, Chapter 6. The time limits for procedures are specified in the Handbook are summarized as follows:
Within 60 calendar days after receipt w88 casino games login complaint, the Vice Provost completes investigation. During that time period, the Vice Provost shall issue a charging letter to the person charged who then has seven calendar days after receipt w88 casino games login charging letter to respond to it, if desired.
Within five calendar days after the Vice Provost's receipt w88 casino games login charged person's written answer to the charging letter, or if the charged person did not answer, then within five calendar days w88 casino games login date the answer was due, the Vice Provost makes a recommendation to the President on whether to hold a hearing or not.
Within seven calendar days after receipt w88 casino games login Vice Provost's recommendation, the President makes a decision on whether to hold a special hearing and informs the Vice Provost and Faculty Senate Chair w88 casino games login decision.
Within five calendar days after notification w88 casino games login President's decision, the President shall choose a special hearing officer and the Faculty Senate Chair shall choose nine names from the faculty hearing panel and each shall forward the names to the person charged and the Vice Provost.
The President may consider alternatives to revocation of w88 casino games login, depending on the severity of the offense.
After receiving the recommendation of the special hearing officer and special hearing committee, if it is determined that revocation of the w88 casino games login is warranted, the President may revoke the w88 casino games login. The charged party shall have an opportunity to appeal to the Board of Regents based on the procedures and grounds for appeal specified in Section 6.13 of the Handbook.