2,237: Classified Employees with Secondary w88 sports betting app
Revised: December 2020
The following policies apply to Classified employees engaged in NSHE scholarly or secondary w88 sports betting app in addition to their regular university responsibilities. Classified employees are considered non-exempt from Federal overtime provisions. As such, secondary w88 sports betting app may be subject to overtime pay rates. See section 2,235 Classified Overtime Policy for more information.
w88 sports betting app at UNR: Classified employees may engage in NSHE scholarly or secondary w88 sports betting app in addition to their regular university responsibilities only with the prior approval of their dean/vice president. Approval may be denied. The request shall include the following information to support evaluation of the request.
- List the specific duties, functions and activities that you personally will perform for the w88 sports betting app employer.
- Document your proposed work schedule with the secondary w88 sports betting app; how many and what hours weekly; document your Classified work schedule; how many and what hours you will work weekly. Secondary work may not conflict with the primary classified work schedule.
- In the fulfillment of this w88 sports betting app activity how will you avoid disclosure of controlled information obtained as part of your job or any conflict of interest that may be presented including ethical or independence concerns.
The employee may only accept compensation for w88 sports betting app work if it is done outside the normal working hours for their assigned university duties. For teaching, the Classified employee must complete the Request for Instructional Compensation form and are limited to one class (up to 5 credits) per semester. Classified employees may not accept additional compensation for providing the same clientele the same services which are part of their assigned Classified duties.
w88 sports betting app within NSHE: Classified employees who engage in scholarly or secondary w88 sports betting app in addition to their regular university responsibilities for other campuses of NSHE may do so upon prior approval of the appropriate dean/vice president for work performed outside of the employee’s standard work schedule. Work performed during the employee’s standard work week is not permitted. For compensated teaching at another NSHE institution,outside of the Classified employee’s standard work schedule, the Classified employee must complete the Request for Instructional Compensation form and is limited to one class (up to 5 credits) per semester. Requests may be denied by the appropriate dean/vice president.
Outside w88 sports betting app: The following policies apply to Classified employees with secondary w88 sports betting app compensated through sources other than university administered funds.
- Classified w88 sports betting app understand that the services must not interfere with normal university duties;
- Classified w88 sports betting app must inform in writing those who engage them that they are not acting in the name of the University;
- When providing services to State of Nevada agencies, w88 sports betting app staff must receive prior written approval from their vice president, dean or director;
- Classified w88 sports betting app who provide services to entities, agencies or firms outside the University must request prior written approval from their department chair, dean or vice president and provide information as to the nature of the services to assure compliance with the conflict of interest policy;
- Prior approval is requested by submitting an online Compensated Outside Activities w88 sports betting app in InfoEd;
- Approval for Compensated Outside Activities w88 sports betting app be obtained at the beginning of each fiscal year or when the service commences;
- Classified w88 sports betting app with 100% FTE must take annual leave if providing services during the standard work week;
- w88 sports betting app facilities, equipment or personnel may not be used without a properly documented and authorized agreement between the external entity and the w88 sports betting app;
- Classified w88 sports betting app who offer non-university workshops or trainings may not charge workshop/training registration fees to a student who is enrolled in a course for which the same employee assigns a letter grade.