36: Receipt of Service of w88 mobile
Revised: April 1999
When the Nevada System of Higher Education is served with various w88 mobile, service of the w88 mobile is usually made on the Board of Regents, the Chancellor, a particular member institution, a president, a faculty member or all of the foregoing, and usually through office staff. If a process server attempts to make service on someone or some institution through someone who is not authorized to accept service, the service should be refused with an explanation to the process server. No one should accept w88 mobile for anyone unless specific authorization has been granted by the person being served.
The following information applies to the receipt of w88 mobile:
- The Chancellor or the Chancellor's designee may accept w88 mobile for the NSHE.
- Only presidents or their designees may accept w88 mobile for the institutions of the NSHE.
- No individual may be served except personally or through someone specifically authorized by the individual to accept w88 mobile.
The following procedures apply to those individuals authorized to receive and acknowledge w88 mobile:
- Identify the person/party being w88 mobile.
- Leave a copy of the complaint and summons for each person/party being w88 mobile.
- Identify the w88 mobile and ask for his/her telephone number.
- Note the date and time of w88 mobile and deliver the documents to the General Counsel's Office immediately.