"The goal of the Writing and Speaking Initiative is to ensure that the ability to write and speak effectively is a hallmark of every w88 online casino betting Reno, graduate.” - Marc Johnson, Former University President
To reach that important goal, our students are given multiple formative and challenging opportunities to improve their w88 online casino betting, speaking and communicating from their introductory Core w88 online casino betting and Basic Communication courses throughout undergraduate coursework in every major. Likewise, faculty across the disciplines support our graduate and professional students in becoming excellent writers and speakers.
The initiative responds to evidence that strong w88 online casino betting and speaking skills are vital to a student’s academic success as well as their career prospects. Well-designed w88 online casino betting and speaking assignments are high-impact teaching tools that deepen students’ learning in all disciplines (AAC&U’s“High-Impact Practices”). National surveys repeatedly indicate that employers rank the ability to communicate effectively among the top skills they seek in a new employee (AAC&U’s “How College Contributes to Workforce Success: Employer Views on What Matters Most,” "Why Mastering w88 online casino betting Skills Can Help Future Proof Your Career").