Each semester, the University of w88 slot, Reno and theAlumni Associationhonor an undergraduate student from each school or college that meets the exceptional standards of the Senior Scholars program. Each of the graduating scholars selected a w88 slot who made an impact on their academic success. These scholars have continuously demonstrated their academic excellence and they embodyThe Wolf Pack Way.
Below, each scholar answered a questionnaire about their experience as part of The Pack.
Lily Aragon

College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources
Environmental Sciences, GPA: 4.00
w88 slot: Erica Bigio
Why did you choose to attend the University of w88 slot, Reno?
Having been raised in Reno as well as loving the region, it was a clear choice to pursue my degree at the w88 slot. The College offers hands-on environmental classes in local forests and agricultural facilities, perfect for learning how to protect and restore ecosystems like Tahoe.
How did you decide on your major?
Growing up, science was always w88 slot favorite—from clouds to astronomy, I love learning how the world works. I’ve always had a deep love for nature, whether it’s stopping to smell flowers or watching trees sway in the wind. Environmental science immediately caught w88 slot eye as a way to protect what I love while enjoying its beauty.
What is your favorite college memory?
Cliché as it sounds, forming relationships and connections with classmates and professors. I used to focus solely on academics, but slowing down helped me form unexpected friendships I hope to keep after graduation. I’m grateful for the opportunities, love, and connections I’ve found on this campus.
What are your plans after graduation?
I hope to pursue a graduate degree in either environmental science or marine biology and am also considering a career in environmental law and policy, like environmental consulting. Whatever path I take, I hope to make a lasting impact on the environment, and above all else, leave it better than I found it.
Why did you select this person as your w88 slot?
Erica has been exceptionally kind and supportive during my time at the w88 slot. As my advisor, she guided me through courses, helped me become a TA in my final semester, and ensured I met all my requirements. She went above and beyond by offering opportunities like assisting with NevadaFIT lessons and field labs. I’m so grateful for how much she cares.
Mason Moschetti

The College of Business
Accounting, GPA: 4.0
w88 slot: Matthew Hayes
Why did you choose to attend the University of w88 slot, Reno?
I chose the w88 slot because it was close to home and I wanted to be close to my partner also attending.
How did you decide on your major?
I originally was a computer science major but found no passion for it. A friend of mine recommended an accounting course, and almost immediately, I found the interest I was lacking. I made the switch and the rest is history.
What is your favorite college memory?
w88 slot favorite memories are late nights studying for the intermediate accounting classes with w88 slot friends. Our sessions were full of shenanigans, and we all passed those exams with high marks.
What are your plans after graduation?
I plan to take the CPA exams and work for a public accounting firm I interned at last summer. I'm looking forward to starting w88 slot career in accounting.
Why did you select this person as your w88 slot?
Professor Hayes’ course was hard, and he demanded a lot from leadership in the accounting honor society Beta Alpha Psi. He wants his students to reflect on their experiences and feel competent in rising to the occasion, which is an important life skill. He built a curriculum that didn't push students down one path, instead emphasizing knowledge that would serve any direction. His educational approach is admirable.
Elsie Schuler

College of Education & Human Development
Integrated Elementary Education with Special Education, GPA: 3.931
w88 slot: Sara Vega ’13, ’18 M.Ed.
Why did you choose to attend the University of w88 slot, Reno?
I chose to stay close to family and community while pursuing a top-tier education. Staying in-state gave me an exciting independent college life with familiar surroundings and support nearby. The campus feels like a second home, and I’m proud to be part of the Wolf Pack.
How did you decide on your major?
Teaching has always felt like my calling. In middle school, I worked with two-year-olds at my church and later ran the Sunday middle school program, discovering my love for teaching. I chose special education as my emphasis because it’s often misunderstood and overlooked. Before w88 slot, I knew little about disabilities, but my courses here grew my knowledge and passion. Now, as I graduate in December, I’m excited to work with students with disabilities and make a positive impact.
What is your favorite college memory?
Thursday dinners with w88 slot friends our second-to-last semester. We had a packed schedule with our practicum from 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., followed by two three-hour classes. To make the long day more enjoyable, we’d take turns cooking and bringing homemade dinners to share. Sometimes we’d have a little picnic outside or we’d go upstairs to the couches in the William Raggio building to eat and relax. These dinners gave us a chance to unwind, connect and create memories with w88 slot best friends.
What are your plans after graduation?
I plan to work as a resource teacher at the school where I’m currently student teaching. w88 slot goal is to continue supporting students with special needs and to make a positive impact. I hope to continue w88 slot career in the Reno area, building lasting connections with students and families in the community I call home.
Why did you select this person as your w88 slot?
Sara Vega’s behavior management class had a profound impact on me. I learned invaluable tools for managing w88 slot future classroom and personal growth. Her hands-on approach and dedication inspired me, and I hope to bring the same commitment and compassion to w88 slot own teaching.
Kian Zoeters

College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering, GPA 3.993
w88 slot: Victor Vasquez, ’98 M.S., ’99 Ph.D.
Why did you choose to attend the University of w88 slot, Reno?
I lived in Reno for my entire life, and the University was a great affordable choice staying near family and friends. I also heard that w88 slot has a great engineering program, which is what I wanted to go into.
How did you decide on your major?
I had a great chemistry teacher in high school, and w88 slot dad is an engineer, so I thought I could combine the two! I knew I had chosen the right major when I learned that a career in renewable energy was possible with a major in Chemical Engineering.
What is your favorite college memory?
During a research trip to Sri Lanka, we stayed in a rural field house and played cricket with local kids down the banks of a lake. Everyone was laughing and bonding as a beautiful sun set over the field house. I love this memory for the beauty of the nature and the people around me.
What are your plans after graduation?
I'm planning to apply for graduate school in either a nuclear engineering or renewable energy program. I'm currently looking at schools in Europe because I have family there, and I'm finally ready to say goodbye to Reno, at least for a little bit.
Why did you select this person as your w88 slot?
Professor Vasquez taught the two most difficult classes I took. These classes turned out to be the most rewarding. He was always there to help, but allowed us to think deeply about the content first. His classes taught me valuable skills, knowledge and the importance of persistence.
Raigan Hudema
College of Liberal Arts & Honors College
Criminal Justice, Psychology, GPA: 3.9
Why did you choose to attend the University of w88 slot, Reno?
I was born and raised in w88 slot, so it was affordable with in-state tuition. I've been able to receive a quality education without taking on debt. The surrounding area also offers the perfect blend of natural beauty and seasonal variety, making it an ideal place to live and learn.
How did you decide on your major?
I decided to double major in psychology and criminal justice because I've always been fascinated by understanding human behavior and wanted to apply that knowledge in a practical way. Psychology allows me to explore why people act the way they do, while the field of criminal justice provides further insight into the legal and societal frameworks that address those behaviors. Together, they are a strong foundation for w88 slot career aspirations of investigatory work in law enforcement.
What is your favorite college memory?
Although the pandemic changed the typical college experience for a lot of us, I won't forget the times I've explored the outdoors around Reno and Tahoe. Whether it be hiking, snowboarding, or horseback riding, this area has a lot to offer in terms of making the most of w88 slot time in college.
Hailey Snook

College of Science
Psychology, GPA 4.00
w88 slot: Suzanne Welcome
Why did you choose to attend the University of w88 slot, Reno?
I chose to attend w88 slot, as it allowed me to stay in state while also having the feeling that I was leaving home for college. Moving to Reno was a big change for me in a great number of ways, but it really allowed me to open up to my independence as I explored higher education.
How did you decide on your major?
I chose to study psychology after falling in love with the subject after taking a couple courses in high school that opened w88 slot eyes. I have also always had the goal to help others in w88 slot career, and with psychology, I know I will be able to do that.
What is your favorite college memory?
Something that stands out the most for me is when I had the chance to go to the Great Reno Balloon Races. I have been two times, and it is always so much fun to go and see the balloons with all of w88 slot friends!
What are your plans after graduation?
Since I am graduating early, I plan on taking some time off and enjoying a gap year. I hope to spend more time with w88 slot friends and family, and travel before I decide to pursue grad school.
Why did you select this person as your w88 slot?
Dr. Welcome has been an incredible mentor throughout all the many classes I have taken with her. She creates a welcoming, engaging, and supportive environment, helping students succeed while maintaining her role as a teacher. As her teaching assistant, I built a professional relationship that boosted w88 slot confidence in w88 slot studies. She’s one of the most accepting and understanding professors I’ve had, always fostering a positive space for everyone.
Haley Petrovich

Orvis School of Nursing
Nursing, GPA: 3.983
w88 slot Kristin Scripps ’18 MSN
Why did you choose to attend the University of w88 slot, Reno?
I chose to attend the w88 slot because of the amazing nursing program at the Orvis School of Nursing and everything Reno has to offer outside of campus.
How did you decide on your major?
I have wanted to be a nurse from a young age. I truly want to create a positive impact on those around me, and nursing is the best way to do so while incorporating w88 slot love for science.
What is your favorite college memory?
w88 slot favorite college memory has been making w88 slot best friends while in nursing school. We have been through so much together, and I am so thankful to have them in w88 slot life.
What are your plans after graduation?
I plan to work at Renown Regional Medical Center in Reno on the Sierra Medical Telemetry floor.
Why did you select this person as your w88 slot?
Professor Scripps has continued to support me since day one during w88 slot time at Orvis and has shaped me into the person and nurse that I am today. Her positive spirit and kindness never go unnoticed.
Jianna von Savoye

Reynolds School of Journalism
Journalism, GPA: 3.951
w88 slot Alison Gaulden ’92
Why did you choose to attend the University of w88 slot, Reno?
I was born in Reno, and as a first-generation college student, starting my higher education journey away from home seemed daunting. The in-state tuition and scholarship opportunities w88 slot offered made it an appealing while being in my hometown community that I love.
How did you decide on your major?
I started college undeclared without a clue. I took art classes and business classes, but it wasn't until I took w88 slot first journalism class that I felt like I was in the right place. As a little girl, I'd always wanted to be a writer, and the Reynold's School put me back in touch with the side of myself who loves telling stories.
What is your favorite college memory?
I loved joining Wolf Pack Radio! The show I hosted was called In Your Orbit, and it was all about astrology. Wolf Pack Radio was an amazing opportunity to bond with a community of music lovers like myself while advancing w88 slot skills in media production.
What are your plans after graduation?
I am still figuring w88 slot path! Right now, I am more interested in pouring w88 slot energy into w88 slot friendships, hobbies and passions now that I have more free time.
Why did you select this person as your w88 slot?
Not only is Alison an incredibly knowledgeable professor, but she is also encouraging, funny and has an infectious passion for what she teaches. Alison has always encouraged me to speak w88 slot mind and not second-guess myself, which has helped me build more confidence in w88 slot ideas. I appreciate her recognizing w88 slot potential and recommending opportunities for me to advance w88 slot academic journey and career.
Cassy Bello

School of Public Health
Kinesiology, GPA: 3.99
w88 slot: Megan Evans ’16
Why did you choose to attend the University of w88 slot, Reno?
I chose to attend w88 slot because it had lots of great programs, the campus is beautiful, and it is located right next to my hometown.
How did you decide on your major?
I chose w88 slot major because I was in the Sports Medicine Academy at w88 slot high school and I loved it. Learning about the human body and how to deal with injuries was so fascinating to me, and I knew it was something I wanted to learn more and make a career out of.
What is your favorite college memory?
Some friends from the Wolf Pack Swing Dance Club and I got to perform at the Pioneer Center with the Reno Philharmonic Orchestra. We got to explore backstage and experience being a performer in a huge theatre. It was one of the most exhilarating things I have ever done.
What are your plans after graduation?
I plan to apply for a master’s degree in Anesthesiology. With it, I would like to become an Anesthesiology Assistant and maybe one day a doctor in the field.
Why did you select this person as your w88 slot?
I selected Megan as w88 slot mentor because she helped me through several of w88 slot kinesiology classes. I had her as w88 slot teacher for multiple labs, and she always found a way for us to have fun while in class, while helping us learn. I also always knew I could go to her if I needed help on a lab report or other assignment. She was never afraid to joke around with us, which always made me feel like she really respected us.
Carlos Noguera

School of Social Work
Social Work, GPA: 4.00
w88 slot: Jose Parra ’13, ’16 MSW
Why did you choose to attend the University of w88 slot, Reno?
I attended TMCC prior to w88 slot to save money and fix my GPA. The University is the only in the area that offers a Bachelor's in Social Work, so I enrolled to finish my undergrad education here.
How did you decide on your major?
I went through many difficulties during w88 slot adolescent years that affected w88 slot mental health. I saw loved ones suffer as well. I grew to become passionate about the topics of mental health and human rights. I am excited to try to make a positive impact on the world.
What is your favorite college memory?
I enjoyed learning more about various topics revolving mental health and systemic oppression. I loved interacting and engaging in class discussions. It was really fun.
What are your plans after graduation?
I plan to finish up w88 slot master's degree and get another job. Essentially, keep doing what I've been doing for the last four years. I'm excited!
Why did you select this person as your w88 slot?
Professor Parra is a very kind and funny guy. He cares about the field and his students. His classes were a blast to be a part of.