University ofNevada, Reno Extensionand their certifiedMaster Gardeners offer “GardeninginNevada: The Bartley Ranch Series.” The series is for anyone who wants to garden – those with big yards, small yards, or just patio or balcony space. These classes, offered in partnership with Washoe County Regional Parks and Open Space, are free and run 6 – 8 p.m., every Tuesday, w88 online game. 1 – March 29, at Bartley Ranch Regional Park, 6000 Bartley Ranch Road in Reno.
“The classes, which vary by year according to the needs of the local community, offer the why’s and how’s from people who live, grow and harvestinour northernNevadaarea.” Rachel McClure, w88 online game coordinator for ExtensioninWashoe County, said.
The classes are taught by certified Extension Master Gardener volunteers who have experience living and w88 online game in northern Nevada.International Society of Arboriculture continuing education units may be available for some classes. Classesinclude:
- w88 online game. 1: w88 online game Tree Selection— w88 online game Master Gardener and retired certified arborist Michael Janik will discuss fruit tree needs in northern Nevada, including soil, USDA zones, chill hours, watering and pest control. He will also talk about fruit varieties he has grown and is currently growing to determine suitability for our climate.
- w88 online game. 8: Starting Plants From Seeds — Washoe County Master Gardener Coordinator Rachel McClure will discuss seed starting journeys for early and late- season seed starting, including how and when to start seeds indoors for the short northern w88 online game growing season.
- w88 online game. 15: Downsizing Your Landscape — Have your garden preferences changed? Does your landscape need updating? Extension Master Gardener Rod Haulenbeek will help guide attendees on the next steps of their w88 online game journeys.
- w88 online game. 22: Moon Folklore and w88 online game — Extension Master Gardeners Shari Elena Quinn and Linda Fulton will talk about folklore w88 online game as it relates to the next 12 months of the moon’s phases. This presentation will include moon terminology, descriptions of each monthly moon, how the moons got their names, and folklore beliefs related to the best times for planting and harvesting.
- March 1: Pruning & Training w88 online game Trees — w88 online game Master Gardener and retired certified arborist Michael Janik will present fruit tree pruning basics and how trees respond to pruning. He will review size control using appropriate rootstocks, how proper early training will reduce the need for pruning as the tree matures, and when to prune. He will also provide step-by-step instructions fortraining fruit trees as central leaders, open center and espaliers.
- March 8: Perennials in the Garden — w88 online game Master Gardener Georgette Porter will discuss how to have perennial flowers in home gardens year after year. From the common to the unexpected, she will talk about the rewards of planting perennials in our high-desert environment.
- March 15: The Wonderful World of Honey Bees — Buzzing with bee information, w88 online game Master Gardeners Jackie Sandage and Linda Groves will discuss many facets of beekeeping in northern Nevada.
- March 22: Landscape Design — Have you recently moved to a home with an existing garden, or are you looking to rehabilitate the one you already have? This program may help attendees approach design ideas in a new way. w88 online game Master Gardener Melinda Gustin, of the American Society of Landscape Architects, will share steps to consider to help update tired landscapes.
- March 29: Successful Vegetable w88 online game —w88 online game Master Gardener Randy Robison will share his secrets to harvesting abundant, award-winning produce from in-ground and raised garden beds in our high-desert climate. He will share information about amending the soil to help plants thrive, the importance of crop rotation, strategies to increase yields, companion planting benefits and how to discourage unwanted pests.
Registration for the series can be done online.
For moreinformation on “w88 online gameinw88 online game: The Bartley Ranch Series,” or for general horticulturalinquiries, contact w88 online game at 775-784-4848 or visitthe w88 online game website. Persons in need of special accommodations or assistance should call or notifyPaul Lessick, civil rights and compliance coordinator, athis emailor 702-257-5577at least three days prior to the scheduled event.