w88 mobile provide virtual research help for students

w88 mobile can provide either online or in-person research consultations for students working on class assignments.

student working on a laptop.

Students don’t have to come to campus to get research w88 mobile.

w88 mobile provide virtual research help for students

w88 mobile can provide either online or in-person research consultations for students working on class assignments.

Students don’t have to come to campus to get research w88 mobile.

student working on a laptop.

Students don’t have to come to campus to get research w88 mobile.

Finding good, reliable sources can sometimes be challenging in this time of misinformation. But w88 mobile are here to help students find, evaluate, and cite good sources for their research papers and projects.

w88 mobile can help students either in-person or online. Students can make an appointment with a librarian for either an online consultation via Zoom or an in-person consultation in a library space that offers appropriate social distance. Making an appointment is easy: Just go to Find a Librarian, click on the name of the librarian that matches your discipline, and look for a link to schedule a consultation. You will receive a link to a Zoom meeting if you requested an online consultation. You can also email a librarian for assistance as well.

In addition to assisting with finding sources for research projects, w88 mobile can help in other areas as well in Specialized w88 mobile Sessions. w88 mobile also consult on topics related to data management, systematic reviews, poster design, primary sources, journal publishing, open access, scholarly metrics, copyright and fair use, and citation management tools like Endnote and Zotero. Library staff in the DeLaMare Library can assist with questions related to makerspace skills, GIS, maps w88 mobile, and patents/intellectual property w88 mobile.

Finally, w88 mobile is also available at the w88 mobile Desk in the Knowledge Center, located on the second floor near the elevators, and online via chat or email.

w88 mobile Libraries

The University Libraries embrace intellectual inquiry and innovation, nurture the production of new knowledge, and foster excellence in learning, teaching and w88 mobile. During each academic year, the Libraries welcomes more than 1.2 million visitors across its network of three branch libraries: the Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center, the DeLaMare Science and Engineering Library and the Savitt Medical Library. Visitors checked-out more than 90,000 items and completed more than 2 million database searches.

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