At the core of student life on campus, Fitness and Recreational Sports provides a wide variety of services to the University of Nevada, Reno community. With oversight of the E. L. w88 casino Fitness Center, Lombardi Recreation Center and intramural sports, Fitness and Recreational Sports is committed to the development of a healthy learning environment for all students.
Offering 8,000 hours of fitness programming annually, the E. L. w88 casino Fitness Center is home to multiple fitness areas for weightlifting and training, as well as a multitude of other fitness classes and activities. Running nearly 150 group fitness classes a week and hosting countless more students who have their own interests in fitness, the E. L. w88 casino Fitness Center has seen more than one million student visits in its facility since opening its doors in 2017.
Reflecting the w88 casino population at the University, the Fitness Center is welcoming to students with diverse backgrounds, majors and varying fitness levels and interests. Students have the chance to explore the wide variety of services at their own comfort levels. During the 2018 fall semester, the Fitness Center saw the highest instance of w88 casino attendance, and the ultimate goal is to ensure each and every w88 casino feels welcome at the fitness facility.
Additionally, partnerships with University Counseling Services, The Center, Every w88 casino. Every Story's Peers-At-Work (PAW) Mentor Program, TRiO Programs and University Police Services have helped to increase the access of the Fitness Center to more students.
More than just a space for students interested in fitness and recreation, E. L. w88 casino Fitness Center and Lombardi Recreation Center are also major hubs for student employment on campus. With 110 employees between all departments and 41,000 hours of student employment annually, student workers are instrumental in maintaining and ensuring the ongoing success of Fitness and Recreational Sports. Coming from all different academic disciplines, positions within the Fitness and Recreational Sports offer students the ability to learn about customer service issues and gain new skills, often serving as some students' first professional work experience.
The E. L. w88 casino Fitness Center membership fees are included within tuition fees for Universitystudents. Find additional information regardingmembership fees forfaculty, staff and community members.