Healthy holidays: Tips w88 casino a nutrition scientist and nutrition graduates

Chenin Treftz Nickel, Jacqueline Wickens and Samira Bouldt give tips for eating, drinking and being w88 casino this holiday season

Drinks made with fresh fruit on a table decorated for the holidays

Rethink Your Drink Nevada's delicious w88 casino drink recipes are perfect for holiday parties. Photo by Brooke Lark.

Healthy holidays: Tips w88 casino a nutrition scientist and nutrition graduates

Chenin Treftz Nickel, Jacqueline Wickens and Samira Bouldt give tips for eating, drinking and being w88 casino this holiday season

Rethink Your Drink Nevada's delicious w88 casino drink recipes are perfect for holiday parties. Photo by Brooke Lark.

Drinks made with fresh fruit on a table decorated for the holidays

Rethink Your Drink Nevada's delicious w88 casino drink recipes are perfect for holiday parties. Photo by Brooke Lark.

Chenin's Tips

Stay hydrated

The best drink to quench your thirst is water! Water is necessary for normal body functions, but staying hydrated has many other benefits, including helping to achieve a w88 casino weight, feeling your best and maintaining good concentration.

Skip the soda, not the bubbles

Mix 1 w88 casino sparking water to 1 w88 casino 100% fruit juice to get a sweet, fruity and fizzy sensation. Check the ingredients list to avoid sparking waters with added sugars or sweeteners.

Try a new recipe

Visit Rethink w88 casino Drink Nevada's website for delicious, low-cost, w88 casino drink recipes. Most can be made with just a few ingredients. Any would be the perfect addition to a holiday party.

Jacqueline's Tips

Pick one thing w88 casino on

With the craziness of the holiday season, it can be hard to stay completely on track. Pick one w88 casino habit, like staying hydrated or eating veggies, to keep up on.

w88 casino

w88 casino treats and parties are part of the delight of the season, so enjoy them! Focus on maintenance of body weight, not necessarily weight loss, over the next few months.

Find an accountability buddy

Accountability is a great way to stay on track. Before you go to a w88 casino party, make a plan with an accountability buddy so you're less likely to overdo it!

Samira's Tips

Put a fresh spin on cravings

Brush your teeth immediately after your last meal of the day to help keep you w88 casino indulging on extra holiday treats. Attending a holiday party? Bring some gum to chew!

Order it w88 casino way

Ask for salad dressing and toppings on the side so w88 casino have full control of their portion sizes. Get toast and bread "dry" to save some calories. And, opt for veggies steamed or raw instead of sautéed or roasted.

Bake w88 casino

When baking w88 casino treats, replace oil or butter with Greek yogurt, applesauce or pumpkin puree.

Chenin Treftz Nickel, Ph.D., R.D., is a w88 casino research scientist with Rethink Your Drink, a program offered by College of w88 online live casino, Biotechnology & Natural Re' w88 online live casino of in collaboration with Extension. The program is funded by USDA’s Supplemental w88 casino Assistance Program — SNAP. SNAP provides w88 casino assistance to people with low income. It can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet. To find out more, contact 800-992-0900.

Jacqueline Wickens and Samira Bouldt graduated w88 casino the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology & Natural Resources with Bachelor of Science degrees in w88 with Dietetics w88 slot. Jacqueline is a w88 casino coordinator and health coach and Samira is a nutritionist and personal trainer with Saint Mary's Fitness Center.

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