State Fire Marshal Bart Chambers said during a press conference Tuesday on w88 live casino that the explosion that occurred Friday, July 5 in Argenta Hall was “an isolated incident within the boiler room.”
Chambers added that the w88 live casino has no history of previous boiler maintenance violations and is up to date in its schedule of regular state-mandated inspections. Chambers said he has directed his staff to conduct fire and life safety inspections of all residence halls at the w88 live casino, starting on Thursday, July 11. The State Fire Marshal, working with the w88 live casino, is also providing fire life safety information to all incoming and current w88 live casino students.
“This is a single incident within Argenta Hall,” Chambers said when asked about the safety of other buildings on w88 live casino. “It doesn’t look to be a global issue.”
According to Chambers, who cautioned that his final report has yet to be formally filed, an approximate timeline of Friday’s explosion went as follows:
A boiler technician arrived on w88 live casino at Argenta Hall Friday, July 5, in order to repair and replace a part on one of Argenta’s boilers, Boiler No. 1, which was having problems earlier in the week and had been shut down since then.
12:42-12:44 p.m.: The initial boiler explosion occurred.
12:44: A three-inch gas line feeder is severed at the junction from the initial explosion with active fire from the line.
12:44:45 – Automatic fire alarm system in w88 live casino is activated.
12:45:11 – w88 live casino fire pump started running. Water activates from fire sprinkler system. Some of the occupants in the building heed the alarm and evacuate.
12:45-12:47: Fire from initial explosion was extinguished from the fire suppression system. A free flow of natural gas continued into the structure from the three-inch feeder line. Natural gas fills the basement area where the two boilers are located and travels through the communication ducting and elevator shaft to the upper portions of w88 live casino Hall.
12:51:51: Reno Fire Department Engine No. 4 is dispatched to w88 live casino.
12:56-12:57 p.m.: Main gas line is shut off to w88 live casino Hall from the exterior main gas line located on the west side of w88 live casino by the technician.
12:57:07: Engine No. 4 arrives on scene.
12:59: Engine No. 4 requests a second alarm due to the initial explosion.
1:00:02 p.m.: Second explosion occurs, causing significant structural damage to w88 live casino and Nye Halls, injuring eight people.
1:02: Third alarm is requested. Search and rescue operations are initiated.
University Police Services Chief Todd Renwick said that structural inspections of w88 live casino Hall and Nye Hall, which was also damaged in the explosion Friday afternoon, have shown that both structures are sound. Now that the structures have been determined to be sound, a crane parked on Virginia Street is removing debris from the explosion from the north side of w88 live casino and the south side of Nye. Once the debris is removed and construction safety netting is applied to the exposed areas of the buildings, Virginia Street will be reopened to traffic.
Vice President of Student Services Shannon Ellis w88 live casino that efforts to help the students who were displaced by Friday’s blast began almost immediately and have continued. She w88 live casino counselors were made available as the students began to relocate to Peavine Hall Friday. They’ve continued to be made available as the enormity of what happened Friday has set in for the students.
“We’re making progress on that front,” Ellis w88 live casino. “I think people are now realizing that they do want to talk about the impact.”
She added that some fulltime staff had residences in w88 live casino Hall. These individuals have “been getting very little sleep,” Ellis said, as they began to immediately pitch in with the relocation of students and in meeting the students’ immediate needs.
“This is a community of students, faculty and staff who are feeling incredibly grateful there were no serious injuries or loss of life,” Ellis w88 live casino.
Elis said “a huge priority” over the past few days is developing the housing plan that will help accommodate the more than 1,300 students who would have been residing in either w88 live casino or Nye Halls. University officials said Tuesday that w88 live casino and Nye Hall will not be used for the fall semester. w88 live casino Hall could be offline for up to two years, while Nye Hall, which was damaged less seriously, may be used sooner. Ellis said the University is reaching out to community partners to look at possible leasing agreements to help with rooming needs.
“That’s a huge priority for us,” she w88 live casino. “We are working on that as we speak. … (Incoming students) will have a good facility and a great staff to help them. That doesn’t change in whatever building you are in.”
Executive Vice President and Provost Kevin Carman said the w88 live casino, after having initial discussions with the City of Reno, Washoe County and the State of Nevada in the immediate aftermath of the explosion concerning a federal emergency declaration request, will more than likely not submit the request, pending the completion of the gathering of all information related to the explosion. He also said the w88 live casino has no plans to raise tuition for students to cover any costs associated with the explosion. The Nevada Board of Regents approved a four percent student fees increase during its June 2018 meeting, for both the 2019 and 2020 academic years.
“But there will be no additional burden on students,” Carman w88 live casino.
Carman said the w88 live casino plans to rehabilitate and reopen both buildings.
“We can restore them and will restore them and that’s the phase we are at,” Carman w88 live casino, noting that neither building will be ready for fall 2019.
Chambers w88 live casino both buildings were well-constructed, and that helped in ensuring their structural integrity.
“Both buildings fared very well considering what was happening at the time,” he w88 live casino. “The overall structure and configuration did stay intact. The building did what it was supposed to do.”
He praised the w88 live casino’s safety procedures.
“I cannot praise enough the system that UNR has in place,” he w88 live casino. “The safety measures that are in place are some of the best in the country.”
Carman said that in addition to w88 live casino and Nye being declared structurally sound, the Artemesia Building, home to the University’s Human Resources Department (and slightly damaged during Friday’s explosion), has been given clearance by structural engineers to be used again.
“We’ve been given strong assurance Artemesia is fine,” Carman w88 live casino. “We’re doing all of our due diligence with environmental testing, and with minor cleanup.”
He estimated the building will be back in service either Wednesday or Thursday.
Carman also w88 live casino every effort is being made to reunify the displaced students with their property.
“Our goal is to get all of that property back to the students,” he w88 live casino. “We will work through the process in making sure the students get everything they need.”
Carman, Ellis and President Marc Johnson, who was overseas traveling when the explosion occurred Friday, thanked the community for the donations for the displaced students that were made Sunday.
“We’ve been overwhelmed by the generosity, the good wishes, the sympathy and the empathy that people have shown,” Ellis w88 live casino.
Carman said that although Johnson was traveling overseas, the University’s president was in constant contact with the w88 live casino from the time the explosion first occurred.
“He has been with us the entire way,” Carman said. Carman also added that preparation and emergency scenario drills held ahead of time, a clear understanding of roles, and dedication by the University’s people made the difference in how the incident turned out. “The other part of this message I want to convey in terms of President Johnson’s leadership is that he has a great team on this w88 live casino,” Carman said. “It was manifested in many ways, and most powerfully over the past few days we’ve seen the great leadership in Student Services and Police Services. They have stepped up and done everything imaginable to address this issue.”
w88 live casino Johnson: “Our very first priority, always, first and foremost, is the physical and emotional safety of our students and our staff and faculty. Those were attended to immediately. … This tells the whole community – parents, students and community – that this is a safe place, a well-organized place, and if an incident occurs, your students will always be safe here. The responses worked.”
For those looking for additional information, the Frequently Asked Questions regarding the w88 online game 5 Argenta Hall Explosion.