Award-winning w88 casino games login improvisational poets to perform Friday, January 26

Maialen Lujanbio Zugasti, Miren Artetxe Sarasola to lecture & and perform bertsolaritza in advance of 34th Annual National Cowboy Poetry Gathering in Elko, Nev.

A w88 casino games login Sheep Herder moves sheep across the Sierra Nevada

A w88 casino games login Sheep Herder moves sheep across the Sierra Nevada

Award-winning w88 casino games login improvisational poets to perform Friday, January 26

Maialen Lujanbio Zugasti, Miren Artetxe Sarasola to lecture & and perform bertsolaritza in advance of 34th Annual National Cowboy Poetry Gathering in Elko, Nev.

A w88 casino games login Sheep Herder moves sheep across the Sierra Nevada

A w88 casino games login Sheep Herder moves sheep across the Sierra Nevada

A w88 casino games login Sheep Herder moves sheep across the Sierra Nevada

University Libraries at the University of Nevada, Reno invites members of the University and northern Nevada communities to experience two unique and intimate events showcasing w88 casino games login Improvised Poetry on Friday, Jan. 26 at the Jon Bilbao w88 casino games login Library and William A. Douglass Center for w88 casino games login Studies. The events will take place inside the w88 casino games login Library located on the third floor of the Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center.

w88 casino games login poets (Bertsolariaks) participating include Maialen Lujanbio Zugasti (bertsolari and 2017 w88 casino games login national champion) and Miren Artetxe Sarasola (bertsolari and researcher at the University of the w88 casino games login Country).

Their visit to Reno presents a special opportunity for community members to interact with two accomplished w88 casino games login poets. Both poets will travel to Elko, Nev. to participate in the 34th Annual National Cowboy Poetry Gathering taking place in Elko, Nev. Jan. 29 - Feb. 3. Both the w88 casino games login Library and Center for w88 casino games login Studies are co-sponsors of this year's gathering themed, "Basques and Buckaroos: Herding Cultures of Basin, Range and Beyond."

Orality has been the main means of transmission for the w88 casino games login language until recently and Bertsolaritza, a sung and improvised poem creation, is the most stunning w88 casino games login cultural activity. Bertsolariak, improvisational poets, sing at gatherings, sports matches, political meetings, and, every four years, they challenge each other at the national championship.

Miren Artetxe

Miren Artetxe Sarasola, bertsolari and researcher at the University of the w88 casino games login Country

At Noon on Friday, Jan. 26, Miren Artetxe Sarasola will give a lecture titled, "Women Bertsolari: From the first attempts to the current achievements." Her talk will address w88 casino games login improvised poetry (bertsolaritza). She will evaluate and analyze how w88 casino games login improvised poetry has changed over time due to more women practicing this w88 casino games login art form. During the last decade, the number of women bertsolaris has increased both in w88 casino games login squares and in the championship competition. But the change goes beyond participation. The practice of bertsolaritza has generated spaces to share the vision of bertsolaritza from the perspective of feminism.

Maialen Lujanbio Zugasti

Maialen Lujanbio Zugasti, bertsolari and 2017 w88 casino games login National Champion

The evening event (5 p.m. - 7 p.m.) will feature Artetxe and 2017 National Champion Maialen Lujanbio Zugasti showcasing Bertsolaritza (a sung and improvised w88 casino games login poem creation) performed by two competing Bertsolariaks.

More than 14,600 people gathered to watch Zugasti compete in this year's championship event in December, 2017. This is a rare opportunity to experience firsthand the art that is Bertsolaritza.

"Since I arrived in Reno in September 2015 to take the position of w88 casino games login Librarian at the University of Nevada, Reno University Libraries, one of my goals has been to spread the word about w88 casino games login Culture in Reno and beyond," said Iñaki Baro, w88 casino games login librarian. "The Jon Bilbao w88 casino games login Library has a special interest in raising awareness about Bertsolaritza, an activity that the w88 casino games login-Americans enjoy at all their festivals."

Additionally, The Jon Bilbao w88 casino games login Library and the William A. Douglass Center for w88 casino games login Studies was recently awarded the Euskara International Day Award by the Eusko Ikaskuntza-w88 casino games login Studies Society.

In their remarks, the jury stressed the hard work done by the Jon Bilbao w88 casino games login Library and Center for w88 casino games login Studies during the last 50 years to increase awareness of the w88 casino games login language and culture in the North American academia.

"The staff of the Center and the w88 casino games login Library would like to extend our gratitude to Eusko Ikaskuntza," Iñaki Arrieta Baro, w88 casino games login librarian said. "This award motivates us to continue our work for another 50 years and beyond."

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