w88 online live casino River biodiversity, ecosystem initiative launches in Cambodia

College of Science's Global Water Center w88 online live casino begins work to conserve one of world’s largest rivers

Fishing on Tonle Sap w88 online live casino in Cambodia

During the annual fish migration in January and February, thousands of fishermen descend on the Tonle Sap, a tributary of the w88 online live casino River, to take advantage of the river’s bounty – billions of fish of all shapes and sizes.

w88 online live casino River biodiversity, ecosystem initiative launches in Cambodia

College of Science's Global Water Center w88 online live casino begins work to conserve one of world’s largest rivers

During the annual fish migration in January and February, thousands of fishermen descend on the Tonle Sap, a tributary of the w88 online live casino River, to take advantage of the river’s bounty – billions of fish of all shapes and sizes.

Fishing on Tonle Sap w88 online live casino in Cambodia

During the annual fish migration in January and February, thousands of fishermen descend on the Tonle Sap, a tributary of the w88 online live casino River, to take advantage of the river’s bounty – billions of fish of all shapes and sizes.

TheGlobal Water Center'sresearch team officially launched their Wonders of the w88 online live casino initiative in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on Tuesday, Feb. 7.

The 5-year project, "The Wonders of the w88 online live casino: A Foundation for Sustainable Development and Resilience," aims to preserve a functional, biodiverse and healthy w88 online live casino River. It is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development.

"This project is a greatopportunity for usto share our knowledge and expertise on water and biodiversity issues with other institutions and learn from the experiences of experts in the w88 online live casino River Basin," Zeb Hogan, assistant research professorin theDepartment of Biologyand lead researcher on the project, said. Hogan has conducted research on the river for 20 years.Zeb Hogan, Cambodia Secretary of State Nao Thuk and USAID-Cambodia mission director Polly Dunford speak to media during Wonders of the w88 online live casino launch announcment.

Attending the launch were several project partners, including one of the main partners on this project, the Cambodian Inland Fisheries w88 online live casino and Development Institute. The team will be working with them on fisheries studies, migration studies and endangered species w88 online live casino.

The launch event featured remarks from USAID-Cambodia Mission Director Polly Dunford and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Secretary of State Nao Thuk.

"The w88 online live casino River, with its total length of about (2,700 miles), is the most productive river on earth," Nao Thuk, Cambodian Secretary of State for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, said. "The project will contribute to conserving the beauty and sustainability of this mighty river for the benefits of the people living on and along it."

The Wonders of the w88 online live casino project is designed to bring increased awareness of the importance of the w88 online live casino River and its ecosystem, which are vital to the economic and social health of Southeast Asia. The project will build institutional partnerships and develop educational materials to advance research on the importance of the w88 online live casino River biodiversity and ecosystems.Zeb Hogan on the Tonle Sap River in Cambodia during launch of the Wonders of the w88 online live casino research and conservation project.

"USAID is pleased to partner with the University on this important initiative that will help maintain the ecological, cultural, and economic integrity of one of the most important w88 online live casino and delta systems in the world," Dunford said.

This first trip for the team to the w88 online live casino River is mainly exploration and a study tour - finding the research locations, some sampling, and the kick-off event. The team is also doing preliminary studies on seasonal migration of fish.

Hogan and his team are visiting potential research sites in the area around Angkor and the Tonle Sap Lake, the Tonle Sap River, the w88 online live casino River, and the w88 online live casino River from the Laos/Cambodian border to Phnom Penh.

The team includes: limnologist Sudeep Chandra, director of the Global Water Center w88 online live casino College of Science, whose work focuses on the conservation and restoration of aquatic ecosystems with a goal of improving environmental policy; Forest Ecologist and Biogeographer Peter Weisberg w88 online live casino College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources; David Crowther, science education professor in the College of Education and executive director of the University's Raggio Research Center for STEM Education; Thomas Dilts, research landscape ecologist in CABNR's Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Scienceswith skills in Geographic Information Systems, remote sensing, habitat modeling, habitat connectivity modeling, landscape genetics; and Bonnie Trejo, w88 online live casino faculty member in the Aquatic Ecosystems Laboratory in the Department of Biology.

Hogan is a conservation biologist, a member of the w88 online live casino's Global Water Center, a National Geographic Explorer and Fellow and is the host of the National Geographic Monster Fish television program where he chronicles his w88 online live casino on the world's imperiled giant freshwater fish, megafish, that are more than six feet in length or weigh more than 200 pounds.

USAID is leading the U.S. government's efforts to end extreme poverty and promote resilient, democratic societies.

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