The Pack Internship w88 casino games login Program honored as ‘Workforce Catalyst of the Year’

EDAWN recognized the w88 casino games login and its executive director Elizabeth Loun

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The Pack Internship w88 casino games login Program helps students connect with employers.

The Pack Internship w88 casino games login Program honored as ‘Workforce Catalyst of the Year’

EDAWN recognized the w88 casino games login and its executive director Elizabeth Loun

The Pack Internship w88 casino games login Program helps students connect with employers.

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The Pack Internship w88 casino games login Program helps students connect with employers.

A program offering paid, local internships for University of Nevada, Reno students was recognized at the NCET Tech Awards Thursday, March 31. Elizabeth Loun, the Pack Internship w88 casino games login Program's executive director received the "Workforce Catalyst of the Year" award from the Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada.

In its second year, the Pack Internship w88 casino games login Program has expanded from offering 21 internship positions to offering 52 individual University student internships with 34 northern Nevada businesses, nonprofits and public agencies. Eight of these positions are self-funded by employers. The program partners with employers to develop mutually beneficial, substantive internship opportunities for University students. The w88 casino games login money is funded by the Associated Students of the University of Nevada with student wages at per hour for 120 hours.

"The w88 casino games login allows students to test skills they've learned in the classroom, to network with professionals in the community, to clarify and to further define their career interests, values and aspirations," Loun said.

Loun is the Nevada Career Studio's w88 casino games login and employer relations coordinator and has acted as the executive director for the program since its inception in 2014. She coordinates with employers looking to participate in a funded program wanting to gain an intern position at their business. She then connects the selected organizations to the students who have completed applications and meet the program's requirements.

"Elizabeth has run an amazing w88 casino games login that will yield dividends for years to come," Shyla Pheasant, coordinator of entrepreneurial development for EDAWN, said. "We hope the w88 casino games login will grow to provide a broader reach, making the crucial connection between academic and professional careers."

The "Workforce Catalyst of the Year" was presented to the Pack Internship w88 casino games login Program and recognized Loun's role in providing excellent workforce training and placement in the community. The EDAWN organization chooses the recipient of this annual award to recognize the resources that have played crucial roles in contributing to the growth of the western Nevada community.

The Pack Internship w88 casino games login Program is funded by a portion of the ASUN budget. The w88 casino games login money increased from last year's ,000 to more than ,000 this year.

"Outside of the classroom, internships really help to prepare students for work experiences," Caden Fabbi, president of the Associated Students of the University of w88 casino games login, said. "They help students become stronger professionals and they make it easier for them to transition into the workplace."

Located in the William N. Pennington Student Achievement Center, the w88 casino games login Career Studio offers help to students seeking career education at any stage of the job search.

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