'Campus w88' set for Feb. 8

First 'w88' of spring semester to focus on campus diversity

Student Union

'Campus w88' set for Feb. 8

First 'w88' of spring semester to focus on campus diversity

Student Union

President Marc Johnson, Provost Kevin Carman and Faculty Senate Chair David Sanders will be on hand for the next Campus w88 event, tobe held on Monday, Feb. 8 from 3-4 p.m., in the Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center Rotunda, Room 201.

The event will be focused on the subject of diversity. In a message to the w88, Sanders wrote that, "Diversity of our faculty is critical to improving our overall w88 diversity. The University Strategic Plan calls for an increase in diversity of faculty from 21 percent in 2014 to 25 percent in 2021. Currently there are 110 faculty searches in progress; what is the best way to promote diversity in the faculty that we hire? What is the best way to maintain a diverse faculty?"

Individuals who cannot attend in person are encouraged to access the Conversation with this link: unr.edu/live (the link will be active on the day of the event). Email comments or questions can be sent to conversation@unr.edu. To keep identity confidential, indicate "confidential" in the subject line.

Discussion notes from previous w88 are available on the Faculty w88 casino.