University w88 online casino betting remind public to reduce speed and be aware of pedestrians

Officers from the University w88 online casino betting Department, as part of Nevada Joining Forces, will conduct traffic enforcement operation in northwest Reno

University w88 online casino betting remind public to reduce speed and be aware of pedestrians

Officers from the University w88 online casino betting Department, as part of Nevada Joining Forces, will conduct traffic enforcement operation in northwest Reno

According to the Nevada Department of w88 online casino betting Safety Fatal Accident Report, there has been a 46 percent increase in the number of pedestrian fatalities on w88 online casino betting roadways in 2015 when compared to 2014 statistics. To date, there have been 19 fatalities in 2015 and there were a total of 13 in 2014.

"This drastic increase in fatalities should remind all Nevadans to be aware of the rules of the road and eliminate distractions while driving and walking," University w88 online casino betting Chief Adam Garcia said.

While there have been no fatalities of pedestrians at the University of Nevada, Reno this year, University w88 online casino betting Services often receives complaints of close calls and fear of injury or death at crosswalks around the main campus.

From April 16 to 28, University w88 online casino betting will join other regional law enforcement agencies in an increased enforcement of traffic and pedestrian safety laws in northwest Reno as part of the Nevada Joining Forces traffic safety program. Officers will be issuing citations to pedestrians and motorists who are breaking traffic safety laws.

Nevada state law requires w88 online casino betting to use sidewalks, crosswalks and pedestrian bridges and obey all traffic-control signs and signals. If there is no sidewalk, w88 online casino betting are strongly encouraged to walk on the left side of the street, facing traffic. For motorists, they must yield to w88 online casino betting and avoid passing vehicles that are stopped for w88 online casino betting.

"University w88 online casino betting advises motorists and pedestrians to share the road, stay alert and be aware of your surroundings," Garcia said. "Eliminate distractions and abide by laws designed to protect you whether you're driving or walking."

For more information about this effort, contact Commander Todd Renwick at 775-784-4013. Information about Nevada Joining Forces can be found on the Nevada Department of w88 online casino betting Safety website:

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