The Faculty w88 online casino held its monthly meeting on Oct. 15 in the Laden w88 online casino Chambers in the Joe Crowley Student Union.
Below is a list of highlights w88 online casino the meeting provided by Faculty Senate Office staff and Faculty Senate Chair David Sanders:
1) University of Nevada, Reno Faculty w88 online casino Resolution - Academic Integrity Oct. 15, 2015
Note: The following resolution was approved by the Faculty w88 online casino: "The Faculty w88 online casino of the University of Nevada, Reno is affirming its strong stance on the importance of academic integrity and its expectations that faculty, students, and the entire University community honor this principle. The Faculty w88 online casino has worked and will continue to work with the University administration to revise policies and procedures to ensure fairness and accountability for faculty, students and the institution in cases of alleged or proven academic dishonesty."
2) w88 online casino Budget Priorities
The Faculty Senate visited with Chancellor Dan Klaich. The conversation focused on the next 10 months as the budget is prepared. It is critical that programs have clear objectives and outcomes for the resources requested. Much of the key work must happen by the first of the year. The Chancellor sees the next legislative session as an historic opportunity. The Board of Regents will be reviewing institutional requests in preparation for creation of the NSHE budget request. Chair Sanders is serving on the University's committee and will convey faculty budget priorities to the group. Sanders urged the senators to seek out budget concerns and priorities w88 online casino their constituents.
· President Marc Johnson indicated that the funding formula will continue to be used to fund our caseload growth. Payment for weighted student credit hours in the next session are calculated, using academic year 2015-16 numbers and should bring in additional revenue w88 online casino the state. New requests will focus on:
· Operations - Legislative budget enhancements for operations need to be focused and indicate how they benefit the University and the state, and help the institution become a research university of high impact. The University's w88 online casino target continues to be 18:1.
· Capital request - New Engineering Building
· w88 online casino Compensation
3) w88 online casino Announcements
· Compensation - The Faculty w88 online casino will co-sponsor a luncheon Oct. 28, 11:30 a.m. till 1 p.m. in JCSU Ballroom A with the Nevada Faculty Alliance. The topic is faculty compensation, compression, and deferred compensation. If you plan to attend, please RSVP at your earliest convenience to the Faculty w88 online casino Office, Donna Healy: Lunch is limited to the first 110 who RSVP; additional seating will be available for all who wish to attend for the presentation w88 online casino noon till 1 p.m.
· Conflict of Interest - It is important for w88 online casino to fill out their Conflict of Interest form, no later than Dec. 15. In Google Search type "Conflict of Interest UNR" or go to:
· CANVAS will replace Blackboard as the provider of the WebCampus Learning Management System. Implementation is planned at the beginning of the Fall 2016 semester.
· Tobacco-Free w88 online casino - The w88 online casino will continue to move toward a Tobacco-Free w88 online casino. One hundred ash receptacles have been removed. Seventy-five remain and signs will be placed by these receptacles encouraging the tobacco-free w88 online casino. A goal has been set to remove all receptacles by August 2017. Starting next year there will be no north end smoking zone at the football games.
4) Faculty w88 online casino Facebook Page
· The Faculty w88 online casino launched its Facebook page on Oct. 10. Please "Like" us at:[]
· The Faculty w88 online casino is hoping that this page will be a place to engage and inform faculty on faculty-centric events and issues. Learn about the next Campus Conversation or information on the City of Reno Master Plan. Let the Faculty w88 online casino know what issues are important to you. If you see articles that would be of interest to academic or administrative faculty, post away.
5) Police Consolidation
NSHE is considering the consolidation of police forces in the North and in the South. The Board of Regents could be voting on consolidation of DRI, TMCC and UNR police forces at its December meeting. South consolidation could come later. They are likely to keep north and south police forces separate.
6) City of Reno Master Plan
At the Faculty Senate meeting, representatives w88 online casino the City of Reno presented the "ReImagine Reno" project that includes the land south of Interstate 80 and incorporates the University Gateway Project. They are still looking for input as the do master planning for the City of Reno. There is a survey at www.Reno.Gov/ReimagineReno[Reno.Gov] or you can attend a focus group. The next focus group is Thursday, Oct. 22.
Visitors at the meeting included Chancellor Klaich, President Johnson, Provost Kevin Carman and Athletic Director Doug Knuth. You can see the full minutes of our meeting at our Faculty w88 online casino Website: They are typically posted within 10 days of meetings.