Highlights from Nov. 19 Faculty Senate w88 online casino

Faculty w88 online casino approves resolution regarding negative impact of proposed termination notices

Highlights from Nov. 19 Faculty Senate w88 online casino

Faculty w88 online casino approves resolution regarding negative impact of proposed termination notices

Faculty Senate held its monthly w88 online casino on Nov. 19 in the Rita Laden Senate Chambers in the Joe Crowley Student Union.

Below are a few key items from the Senate w88 online casino provided by Faculty Senate Chair David Sanders and Faculty Senate staff:

Administrative w88 online casino NSHE Code Changes

There are two proposed NSHE Code Changes that will be voted on at the Dec. 3-4 Board of Regents w88 online casino.

1) Shortening of Termination Notice for Faculty Hired after Dec. 15, 2015 w88 online casino 1 year to 60 days

2) Ability to Transfer Administrative w88 online casino among TMCC, WNC and the University of Nevada, Reno by the Chancellor. The Chancellor can also choose to transfer Administrative w88 online casino among the southern institutions.

The Faculty w88 online casino unanimously approved a resolution on the importance of our Administrative Faculty and the negative impact of these proposed changes. The Faculty w88 online casino Executive Board has developed position papers on both changes. In addition, Chair David Sanders has been working with the NSHE Council of Chairs to express concerns to NSHE Leadership. The resolution and supporting documents can be found on the Faculty w88 online casino website.

Canvas will replace Blackboard as Learning Management System with WebCampus

The last semester that courses will be offered on Blackboard will be the spring 2016 semester. Canvas will begin during 2016 Summer Session. Faculty training will begin around mid-February 2016. Although the interface will be dramatically different w88 online casino what we've been using, Canvas does represent, by all counts, a significant improvement for faculty and students.

NFA/Faculty w88 online casino Co-sponsored Compensation Forum

On Oct. 28, a forum was held on faculty compensation, compression and deferred compensation. More than 100 people attended. The forum provided a great opportunity to give the status of compensation and to receive input w88 online casino attendees.

NSHE Compensation Committee

A NSHE Compensation Committee has been formed. The purpose of the committee is to develop recommendations on how to structure compensation within NSHE. The committee held its first w88 online casino on Nov. 24 and are to produce a final report by February. The committee members are presidents, students, and faculty, and each group receives two votes. University representatives include President Marc Johnson, James Puccinelli (student), David Sanders (Faculty Senate) and Glenn Miller (NFA).

w88 online casino Conversations

Our w88 online casino Conversation on Growth occurred on Oct. 21. A summary is on the Faculty w88 online casino's "What's New Webpage."

The final Campus Conversation for this semester will occur Monday, Nov. 30, w88 online casino 4-5 p.m., JCSU Great Room, and the subject will be Junior/Early Career w88 online casino Retention and Mentoring. Come join the conversation. Faculty attendance and participation are very important, and we hope to see you there-but if you cannot make it, there will be a live stream of the w88 online casino.

Winter Commencement

The 2015 Winter Commencement Exercises for 2015 will take place at the Lawlor Event Center on Saturday, Dec. 5 at 8:00 a.m. The ceremony will be granting both undergraduate and graduate degrees for all of the colleges. We encourage you to attend.

President's Holiday Social will be held Tuesday, Dec. 8 w88 online casino 4-5:30 p.m. in JCSU Ballrooms. This is a nice opportunity for faculty and staff to come together and enjoy the holiday season.

Remember to Like the Faculty w88 online casino Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/unrfacultysenate[facebook.com]

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