(Editor's Note: President Marc Johnson has released the following letter to the campus community regarding the annual United Way w88 sports betting.)
Dear Colleague,
The 2014-2015 United Way Campaign will run w88 sports betting Oct. 15 through Nov. 19. This year, the University is working with the United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra as well as the United Way of Southern Nevada campaigns to raise funds. Last year, University employees contributed ,143.
United Way focuses on providing building blocks for a good quality of life: education, financial stability and health. Please consider supporting this year's w88 sports betting which directly impacts our local community; a community that so generously supports the University. Let's help improve the quality of life for those that need assistance in Northern Nevada.
Employees interested in participating in the w88 sports betting should return their completed pledge form to the address noted on the pledge form by Wednesday, Nov. 19. As part of the w88 sports betting process, we are again offering incentives. Employees who make a pledge of or more will be eligible for a drawing to win special prizes. Winners will be notified by Dec. 1.
Information is available for both w88 sports betting Way groups.
For the w88 sports betting Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra: http://uwnns.org/
For the w88 sports betting Way of Southern Nevada: http://uwsn.org/
If you have any questions, contact Lynda Buhlig, Assistant Vice President of Development, at 682-6013 or lbuhlig@unr.edu or Mui Condon, Assistant Director of Development, as 682-6015 or ngu@unr.edu.