A University of Nevada, Reno physics w88 casino games student tied for first in the Atomic and Molecular and Optical Physics poster award competition. The competition was held in San Antonio, Texas at the 23rd biannual Conference of the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry.
Kiattichart (KC) Chartkunchand is a w88 casino games student in the Physics Department in the College of Science. He, along with students, scientists, engineers and professors from around the world attended the conference to learn more about the international use of particle accelerators in research and industrial applications. The conference included a poster completion with six categories for undergraduates and w88 casino games students where the students were asked questions about their research by judges.
"We are very pleased that KC's work was recognized at a national meeting," Paul Neill, physics professor and department chair, said. "Good communication is an essential tool for today's scientists. He won this award, not only for the quality of the science he presented, but also for his excellent communication skills."
Chartkunchand's research examines negative ions by using lasers to probe their structure. He is a w88 casino games research assistant at the University's w88 casino games Terawatt Facility and works under the guidance of Assistant Research Physics Professor Aaron Covington. The w88 casino games gave Chartkunchand the opportunity to display his research, network with scientists and learn about new research being done in the field.
"The w88 casino games allowed me to gain more exposure to other people's findings, to get a different perspective on similar research as well as draw more attention to the fundamental details of our research with negative ions that are important in our field," Chartkunchand said.
Chartkunchand received his undergraduate degree at the University of Nevada, Reno in physics and will w88 casino games with a doctoral degree in the same department in December.
"KC is, and will continue to be, a wonderful ambassador for the physics w88 casino games program, and the University," Neill said.
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