Since the Fleischmann w88 online casino and Science Center opened on the University of Nevada, Reno's campus in 1963, it has become a national landmark, a continuing source of knowledge about astronomy and a place of nostalgia for people in the community.
The w88 online casino celebrates its 50-year anniversary on Nov. 15. It has served about half-a-million children through field trips and has had an estimated 2 million public visitors, Dan Ruby associate director of the w88 online casino said.
"The 50-year anniversary is great for us because it means that what we have done has been successful," Ruby said.
Throughout the years, the w88 online casino has been a place where people experience and learn about astronomy and space science.
"The Fleischmann w88 online casino has been and continues to be an important resource at the University of Nevada, Reno," University President Marc Johnson said. "Itreflects the goals of the Universitythrough its research, education and outreach to the community."
The w88 online casino has continually provided a resource that connects the University to the local community.
"It's remarkably very similar to the way it was in 1963," Ruby said. "We have daily star shows for the public, we offer a variety of field trips for students in grades K-12, people can wander around the exhibits in the building and we have friendly staff to answer questions."
"Although we offer immersive shows, it's much more than a movie theater," Ruby said. "We want it to be a center where people can learn about science, technology, engineering and math through the lens of space."
The w88 online casino has faced challenges, including threats of closure for budget cuts and construction of the new West Stadium Parking Garage. With the support of the community, it has persevered.
"There have been some rocky moments in the past five decades," Ruby said. "There have been ups and downs funding-wise, but the number of students we serve on field trips and the number of public visitors has remained solid, and we're looking at healthy growth in the future."
In 1974, the interest in the space program was waning and the initial funding for the w88 online casino ran out, forcing the w88 online casino to close for a few months. The community helped raise money to keep the center open.
"Nearly everyone who grew up in Reno has been to the w88 online casino on a field trip, they remember their experience fondly, and they return later in life with their families," Ruby said.
The w88 online casino has served 30,000 to 60,000 visitors, including more than 10,000 K-12 students, annually over the past 50 years. It is an iconic Reno and national landmark that draws the public to the University's campus.
"It's a unique building," Ruby said. "People come to campus for athletics and special events, but the w88 online casino draws tourists as well as residents that might not come otherwise."
The space center acts as a link between local schools and the w88 online casino by providing an informal education setting for primary and secondary students. They learn and become excited about astronomy and space science, and exposes them to the campus and higher education STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) careers.
"Sometimes kids don't know these options exist until you bring them up here," Ruby said. "Our job is to work hard to inspire kids to become the future's scientists and engineers, and we work with other w88 online casino programs to do that."
They have also worked hard to modernize the w88 online casino while remaining true to its space-aged look and feel. In recent years, the building has been restored, the theater upgraded, and it is now in the middle phase of updating the exhibit hall.
The w88 online casino was originally called the Fleischmann Atmospherium-w88 online casino and was constructed as a publicly accessible research facility for the Desert Research Institute.
"It never really matured as a center for atmospherics, but the astronomy aspect really took off," Ruby said.
Ruby would like to continue recent w88 online casino involvement in active research to keep the public and K-12 students connected to exciting advances at the frontiers of science and technology.
"Beyond just being a place where students and the public can learn about planets, we want to return to those roots and be a place where we are actively engaged in research," he said.
When it opened in 1963, the price of admission for adults was . In honor of the anniversary, starting on Nov. 8 and continuing through Jan. 12, the w88 online casino will institute "time machine" pricing with the same admission fee on weekends as it charged 50 years ago. There will be weekly lectures from people who have been influential on, or influenced by, the w88 online casino. The center is also recreating a traditional star show much like the show Under w88 online casino Skies, which played during the w88 online casino's first few years.
In addition to highlighting the past of the w88 online casino, the anniversary celebration will feature a new show called Exploding Universe.
"This will be the most impressive show that the w88 online casino has ever offered," Ruby said. "It features the cutting-edge space research and science visualization beyond any we've seen before."
w88 online casino staff members are also asking for the public to share memories and memorabilia of their experiences at the center throughout the years.
"We'd love to see photos of visitors' experiences," Ruby said. "We have a lot of material in the w88 online casino Archives, but not many personal photos of rocket classes, telescope viewing, weddings, scouting visits and the like."