A new traffic signal at the intersection of North Virginia Street and College Drive, scheduled for installation this week, will be the latest in a series of construction improvements completed over the last few months to increase bicycle and w88 online game safety on key streets near the University of Nevada, Reno campus. The improvements on Sierra Street and North Virginia Street began Sept. 24.
"We value the University campus and its surrounding neighborhoods and hope to see these w88 online game provide better and safer routes to and from campus," said Regional Transporation Commission Project Manager Marchon Miller.
w88 online game to Sierra Street include new stutter flashers, curb extensions - also known as bulb outs - and bike lanes with parking. The lanes on Sierra Street were reduced from four to three, and the street was also slurry sealed. A mixture of asphaltic oil, water and course sand that is spread over an existing road surface, the slurry seal preserves and extends the life of the pavement.
"The road will still carry the amount of traffic as before, only now, bicyclists have their own lanes and pedestrians have a shorter and safer distance to cross at various intersections," Miller said.
North Virginia w88 online game also has new curb extensions and stutter flashers. New sidewalks were installed at three different locations on the w88 online game that previously had none, providing pedestrians with an easier and safer walk along the w88 online game.
"The w88 online game and bicyclist improvements are great, but will not be worth anything if students and faculty do not use the safety measures," said Lyle Woodward, Director of Construction Management. "We see pedestrians cross the street all the time without activating the stutter flashers, and we strongly encourage students and faculty to always use the new safety installments."
The RTC identified Sierra Street and North Virginia Street as areas with high priority construction needs, and the project's bicycle and w88 online game improvements were cited by the RTC's Bicycle-w88 online game Master Plan and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan.
The project also reflects results of a study on w88 online game safety measures, begun by the City of Reno, the University and Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) in 2005 to find the best possible w88 online game signals for the streets adjacent to the University.
Over the past several years, different w88 online game safety systems, such as stutter flashers, were tested on key streets near the University to determine what systems should ultimately be installed. The study recognized that safety perception is a significant factor contributing to a student's decision to bike or walk somewhere rather than drive. The new safety measures will benefit the notable amount of students who do live near campus and often walk or bike to class.
Once the new signal is installed at North Virginia w88 online game and College Drive, the stutter flasher at this location will be relocated to the intersection of North Virginia w88 online game and 10th w88 online game.
If ever there is a w88 online game concern on or around campus, contact the police duty phone at (775)745-6195.