University Extension experts helping homeowners keep w88 online casino betting healthy

w88 online casino betting in lawns require different care than grass

University Extension experts helping homeowners keep w88 online casino betting healthy

w88 online casino betting in lawns require different care than grass

Nevada homeowners who have w88 online casino betting growing in their lawns have to take special precautions to make sure their grass and their w88 online casino betting thrive in an environment to which they are adapted.

According to University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Master Gardener coordinator Wendy Hanson Mazet, w88 online casino betting and grass often compete with each other, which can result in an unattractive and unhealthy landscape.

"When it comes to caring for your w88 online casino betting in lawn, knowledge of both their growth requirements will help you to provide an environment in which they can thrive," Mazet said. "Remember to water the w88 online casino betting deeply and less frequently to encourage roots to grow deeper and decrease the amount of competition between grass and tree roots. Also, eliminate lawn under the canopy of w88 online casino betting to further reduce competition."

Mazet noted that eliminating grass from beneath your w88 online casino betting will reduce the damage that can be done by a mower or weed-eater. And forcing your w88 online casino betting to get all their water from the lawn sprinkler system can result in lawns ridden with with surface tree roots, and w88 online casino betting and grass both declining from drought stress.

Here are some other tips for helping your w88 online casino betting and grass co-exist happily:

  • Occasionally water your w88 online casino betting with a slow steady supply that allows the water to seep deeply into the soil, encouraging a tree's root system to spread downward. This deeper root system will make your tree healthy and sturdier in high winds.
  • Mow your lawn to no less than 3 inches in height. This will help it survive the heat of summer. Most homeowners, Mazet said, water their turfgrass frequently and to a shallow depth, which encourages dense masses or roots and a thick layer of thatch.
  • When placing a tree in your lawn, make sure you put the "right tree in the right place." Research the tree's characteristics. For example, a Little Leaf Linden has potential to be 30 to 45 feet high and 20 to 30 feet wide. It is a hardy tree for this area with a cold hardiness rating of USDA Zone 3, and is used as a specimen tree in parks and boulevards. Its relatively small size works well for areas with limited space.
  • w88 online casino betting should be transplanted into a hole no deeper than the soil in which they were originally grown. The width of the planting hole should be at least three times the diameter of the root ball or container. When planting from a container, the roots are generally root-bound and should be gently pulled outward away from the center. This will allow the roots to grow out into the landscape soil. Backfill the hole with native soil, with compost added to the top six inches to encourage healthy soil biodiversity.
  • Hand water established w88 online casino betting once a week; twice a week for newly planted w88 online casino betting. Watering times will vary on soil texture and water absorption. Do not keep soil muddy as overwatering can smother the roots and kill your tree.
  • During the hot summer months, neither the turfgrass nor the w88 online casino betting need high doses of fertilizer because the heat slows their growth. Remember, any product you apply to your grass will affect your w88 online casino betting in, or adjacent to, the lawn. Be cautious with Weed-n-Feed-type products because the active ingredient in them that kills dandelions in your lawn could also kill your tree.

For more information on keeping your turfgrass and w88 online casino betting healthy, contact your local University of Nevada Cooperative Extension office. Wendy Hanson Mazet is the Master Gardener Coordinator for University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. She can be reached at

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